As the tumultuous events of Felix's ascension had finished, the grand chamber, once a tempest of raw power and elemental fury, started to settle into a state of tranquility.
The seven majestic draconic heads ceased their roaring and writhing...An ethereal calm descended upon them as if acknowledging the completion of their purpose in this momentous transformation.
Gradually, the dragons began to dissolve, not into nothingness, but into countless motes of light.
These particles of light, delicate and serene, started to drift towards Felix, who remained at the center of the chamber, his form now still in the aftermath of the ascension.
As the motes of light approached him, they were drawn to the tattoos on his arms and chest, the inked symbols of the seven sins.
One by one, the particles merged with the tattoos, infusing them with the powers and attributes of the draconic manifestations.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: