
The Seven Demon Princes.

The five small demonic figures, still and silent for a very long time, started to stir.

The atmosphere surrounding them began to tremble while the sulfur and rotting flesh stench filled the air.

In less than a split second, five demonic incarnations emerged from the statues and towered over the surrounding scenery.

The first demon had eyes that shone with an infernal light and were coated in thick, matted fur. 

A mess of tentacles and tendrils, each ending in a razor-sharp stinger, made up the second demon.

The bones of the third demon were twisted and deformed into hideous shapes, making it a skeleton monstrosity...It appeared to emit an atmosphere of decay and death as it held a large scythe in one of its bony hands.

The fourth demon was a gigantic behemoth with massive muscles vibrating beneath its scaly skin...It appeared impervious to any attack and screamed a challenge to anyone who dared stand in its way.


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