
Olivia's Opportunity. II

Olivia had truly gone through too many experiences in the past years that forced her to mature and become less of a pushover.

If it were the old Olivia, she wouldn't have even dared to come here and seek a way to improve herself.

"I am Felix's cousin and a member of the earthling tea..."

"That's not what I meant." Lady Yggdrasil interrupted before asking again with a faint smile, "Tell me about yourself."


Clearly, this question had stumped Olivia as she had no idea what Lady Yggdrasil wanted to know from her.

Olivia knew that she couldn't be wasting Lady Yggdrasil's precious time. So, she started getting antsy with each second going by without managing to say a single word.

'She already fumbled the bag.' Candace said.

'Come on Oli, just be honest about yourself.' Felix mumured.


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