
What Lies Underneath The Fog...

After he saw that she was gone, Felix canceled his golden electricity and sprinted in a different direction, knowing that there was too much of a disturbance to go unnoticed by the players.

Sure, most of the noise was canceled out with his silencer aura, but there were many other ways to find out about what happened.

"Next time, your daughter won't meet with a gentle soul like my student." Lady Sphinx remarked calmly as she eyed Kumiho, "Don't let her participate in champions' games again."

"She is right, you know?" Erebus supported with a stern look.

Just the adoptive daughter Selphie had raised a bit of backlash for Lady Yggdrasil when they found out about her...Don't even mention a biological daughter of a primogenitor.

Those games were for entertainment purposes only, they were not meant to cause rifts between each other.


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