To be considered as a great schemer, one was required to anticipate ten moves ahead of his opponents and all sorts of variables that might pop off.
The dragons and vulcans attempting to evaporate the red lagoon was an anticipated move by Felix, and he added it into his plan!
On the exterior, nothing much changed as Felix continued playing catch with the white sphere and the tentacles.
However, unbeknownst to the players, Felix had created an exact copy of himself out of crystals and placed it in his original spot.
Then, he drank a rank five potion called Absolute Invisibility that was concocted personally by him.
This potion ensured that Felix wouldn't be traced by any kind of sensory ability for more than an hour.
Yet, the real kicker that separate this potion from other similar low ranked ones, was the fact that it provided a sort of silencer aura around him, which isolated sound completely!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: