
Catch Me If You Can.

This had truly taken every player by surprise, making them doubt their ears!

'How?! There is more than a thousand kilometer separating us from the arena!' Singularity frowned, 'Didn't he already lose his wings, which were his main source of speed?!'

She had analyzed Felix's latest games and saw that he had never utilized his Railguns due to his wings absence.

This made her assume that she would be the fastest champion to get the crown since she was using gravity in her favor to increase her speed.

'Sh*t, this really ruined my masterplan greatly.' Singularity cursed and tried to push herself even harder to reach the arena and attempt to steal the crown from Felix before the others arrive.

Nocturne, The Bishop, Nightowl, and the other champions were also forced to push themselves to the limit, knowing that Felix was getting ahead of them with each second wasted.


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