Felix jumped out of the water like his tail was caught in fire...He didn't dare spend another second within the fountain when he had already absorbed thousands worth of life essence bottles!
"What do we do?! My big sister is going to kill you!" Selphie was so agitated and scared for Felix's well-being she thoroughly ignored his nudity.
"I swear to god, I had no idea that I will absorb that much!" Felix promised while covering himself with his nano-clothes.
"Don't bother, big sister won't lend you even a second to hear you when she finds out!"
Felix knew that she was right...He was already despised by the Queen without even doing anything. Now, that he had emptied a third of their precious life essence fountain, he would be hung upside down at the highest point of the palace!
What's worse? His hard-earned friendship with Baron, Moana, Elnora, and Carwen would break apart instantly when they hear the news!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: