
A Total Lockdown!

Spiritanimal realized that all of his predictions had absolutely no base to them anymore.

If Felix was capable of hunting for food as efficiently as the vulcans without bothering to even leave the cart, then his team's strategy was truly flawless!

"Wait a second! Someone has to pick...I see!" 

Before he could share this thought, he spotted Noah, Sylvia, and Leo, moving towards the hunted beasts and beam them in their spatial cards!

Felix had picked those three specifically because they could find the beasts' corpses without relying on him.

Noah could smell blood from kilometers.

Sylvia had butterfly wings, allowing her to scout from air.

Leo had a passive that allowed him to sense tremors through the ground and find their source.


After Felix emptied an entire magazine, he manifested another one packed with bullets and attached it to the sniper's rifle.


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