
Queen Alfreda's Scheme.

"Good morning, mother." Queen Alfreda greeted as she stepped inside a cozy well-lighted garden within a glass dome.

Lady Yggdrasil was seen reading a book under the shade of a tree...Just like her appearence in the UVR, she was made out completely of wood.

She was wearing a dress made out of leaves and string of flowers on top of her head, resembling a crown.

Obviously, her main consciousness reside within the world tree while this body was being controlled by a wisp of her consciousness.

"Morning my child." Lady Yggdrasil greeted back with a kind smile.

Queen Alfreda's anger was melted right away after seeing that smile as she was unable to get mad at the mother of elves.

Unlike Selphie, Queen Alfreda and the rest of the elves refer to Lady Yggdrasil respectfully as mother tree.

That's because everything they have right now was heavily influenced by her even though she had no relation to their race.


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