
The Glorious Return of The Lord!

Seeing that no one wanted to back down, Felix let Queen Ai pick his teammates randomly. Naturally, the main team members were already included.

After twenty-three teammates got picked, Felix requested from Queen Ai, "Please mark us as ready for the game."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes." Felix confirmed.

"Done, you will be informed one hour before the start of the game if the other team had given up on their preparation period as well." Queen Ai disclosed.

"Well, let's hope so." Felix wished.

Although Felix wanted to conclude the diamond games in the next fifteen days, he understood that depended heavily on luck.

In each game, the teams were given a moderate period of preparation.

The teams were allowed to use their period fully even if their opponents had already declared their readiness to start the game.

Thankfully, their opponent marked their readiness in the third day.


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