
Bound to Get Exhausted.

'You are here to fight, coward?' Prince Domino insulted the moment Felix started flying parallel  to him while keeping a safe distance.

'Nope.' Felix answered truthfully while manifesting tens of red gemstone spheres.

Before launching them at prince Domino, he engulfed them in electrical discharges!

Phew Phew Phew!

The instant the red spheres reached prince Domino, they started exploding on their own from the friction with the wind. This was nothing before the great prince Domino as the explosions were too weak to even slow him down.

However, the same didn't apply to the bursts of electrical discharges released after the explosions, covering prince Domino scaled body!

The scales did their job perfectly and stopped the electricity from causing him any harm. But Felix had made them packed with voltage to the point, that even prince Domino felt a tingling sensation of paralysis throughout his entire skin.


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