One year and five months later...
Felix's eyelids finally started to show some movement inside the VR Pod...He opened them slowly, feeling like they were glued shut.
The moment they were open, Felix looked around him with a muddled expression while yawning widely.
After a few seconds looking here and there, his disarrayed memories were affixed and resurfaced in his mind, reminding him about his current situation.
"Good morning, sunshine." Asna welcomed with a pleasant delighted tone.
"Morning to you too." Felix massaged his eyelids as he asked, "How long was I sleeping for?"
"Two years and five months." Lady Sphinx informed calmly.
"I slept an extra five months?" Felix frowned, not liking the sound of that one bit.
Who could blame him? The test was in seven months, and he had yet to even replace his bloodline...Felix couldn't risk entering the test without being in his greatest form.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: