'Royal dragon? Did he mistake me for one?' Felix mumured as he remembered that he wasn't really displaying his identity.
'I think you should keep the missundertanding.' Mistress Candace suggested, 'Royal dragons are treated like gods in this galaxy. Even if you decided to rob the entire store clean out of treasures, no one will make a complaint against you.'
'Indeed.' Felix grinned widely.
He understood that if he displayed his identity, he would never match the same treatment as real royal dragons since his title provided him with mere red dragon status.
Red dragons didn't enjoy the same perks as the royal family.
They could act as freely as they wanted but if their actions crossed the line, they would have to answer to the Green Clan officials.
The Green Clan Dragons could be considered as the police in the galaxy that handled cases related to dragons.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: