
The Interrogation II

Felix still wasn't too pleased with himself.

It was such a small mishap, but it ruined his plan.

He knew that commander Hade wasn't the tenth assigned leader since he killed him and received no notification from the Queen.

'We can only convince him to surrender now.' Felix said coldly.

Since finding the tenth leader was going to be impossible in such a massive territory, Felix wasn't planning on wasting his time on a wild goose chase.

"Can't we force him to say the words with your poison?" Mistress Candace wondered.

"No, Queen Ai can see that he is under influence." Felix said, "For the surrender to go through, the emperor needed to say the words with clear mind."

"It will be hard to achieve so." Mistress Candace said, "The moment you detoxify him, he will start making trouble."

Naturally, the instant emperor Rawal regained his mental capabilities, he wouldn't hesitate to use his abilities.


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