
Joining The War I

"She sure did." Mr. Rodrigas commented, "All of them were inspired by you to become better versions of themselves. They vowed not to return until they reach peak 6th stage of replacement."

"I don't know about that, but I am glad that they are getting stronger in this cutthroat universe." Felix nodded.

"Still, peak 6th stage of replacement is nothing when dealing with other races." Mr. Rodrigas sighed, "We only need a few wins, and we will join the universal planetary games."

The planetary games scaled with the strength of its members and the win streak of the team.

So, if everyone was at 6th stage of replacement, they naturally would not be placed against those at 3rd stage of replacement even though they had the same rank.

They would be fighting against planets with equal strength even if their ranks were disproportionate with each other.

Though, if they won, skipping ranks was a no-brainer.


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