
Black Mission Completed!

Felix looked below him at the hovering aircraft and jumped from the tip of the cannon.


Nimo screamed in excitement while holding into Felix's hair strands tightly.


After landing, Felix controlled the aircraft to fly near the void rift. 

When he saw that the void raccoon was now between him and the void rift, Felix flew in the opposite direction.

The void raccoon flew after him like an obedient puppy, not caring that the void rift was in its way!

So, it ended up entering the void rift just as Felix planned!

As for the size differnece? It didn't matter that much since void creature was flexible enough to turn into anything.

So, the moment a single part of it went inside the void rift, the rest of its body got reformed into the size of the void rift and followed along.

The instant Felix saw that void raccoon was fully within the void realm, he closed the void rift with a single finger snap.


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