
Facing off The Guardians!

Five hours later...

The team had already started the digging process and made some progress towards the pyramid's peak, thanks to Erik's active ability *Cosmic Vortex*. 

Because they were digging the rubble and they needed to get quite deep, Erik was allowed to go all out in his abilities.

The first two hours were just for Erik to spam his wind abilities at the site while constantly recovering his energy from stones.

The squad only took it from there when they saw that he had dug more than 10 meters worth of sand and rubble on his own.

"How long do you think it will take us?" Malak inquired while standing near Felix.

"If we going at this pace, I doubt we will be leaving here in two weeks." Felix responded while staring at the squad using shovels and machines to dig.

"It's too risky to remain here for too long." Malak said.


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