
Erik's Wind Ability!

After waiting half an hour inside the spaceship, the squad rejoined their activities after noticing that the sun was going to set in less than five minutes.

Clap Clap!

"Remember your digging positions well so you won't mix up with each other." Malak advised one last time before opening up the spaceship's gate.

The first to move out were three medium-sized yellow digging machines that were controlled by AIs. Then, followed the rest of the squad, leaving only Momo and the spaceship's crew behind.

"I can't believe it's -30C now. The daylight is hot as hell while the nighttime is as cold as mountain's peak." Khodri tapped on his helmet's glass, thinking that the temperature given might be false.

Too bad, everyone had the same temperature, making them realize that this planet would most definitely not serve as a good tourist attraction.

The environment was just too extreme for commoners who were looking to enjoy their time.


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