Deathly silence covered the stadium as the spectators kept reviewing the image of Krialder's disintegration over and over in their minds, wanting to comprehend what the f*ck had just happened.
They turned to look at their seat neighbor just to see the same confusion clouding his eyes.
They could understand if Krialder ended up with a hole in his chest or even exploding into a shower of blood.
But turning into dust from the same golden beam that struck others before? They simply couldn't fathom how it happened!
"La, Landlord has successfully slain Krialder, one of the players with the highest potential to win the game!" Kayn stuttered his commentary while his eyes were completely focused on the replay, wanting to spot the difference before then and now.
Earlier, everything happened so fast by the time he realized that Felix was gunning for Krialder, the deed was already done!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: