
Creating The Catalyst!


The classroom door closed shut automatically after everyone was registered to be in class.

Teacher Sonna smiled gently towards everyone and said, "Please close your eyes and use this link to enter the UVR."

Without further ado, Felix copied the holographic link and placed his head on the table. Then, he closed his eyes shut and requested the Queen to log him in.

After he opened them again, he saw that he was in front of two tables, one for materials and the other for glassware.

This class was about teaching the witches how to extract the essence of materials to use them as a catalyst in the concoction. Plus, techniques on how to prepare materials perfectly as the recipe requires.

This meant, each class there would be something new to teach almost irrelevant to the past classes.

Hence, teacher Sonna didn't address Felix about his absence in the past month.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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