
A Fitting Title.

Although Felix never bothered himself with potioning and substance creation, he was still fully aware of how a potion concoction lab appeared like from the network.

Lady Sphinx lab was no different than the one he saw, besides a couple of differences.

The main materials and equipment were all there.

There was one medium-sized citric yellow cauldron with silver inscriptions sitting above a circular wooden table that had one hole in its center.

There were two more normal-looking wooden tables sandwiching the circular table. The table on the right was filled with transparent glassware of unique sizes.

Felix recognized a few of them like a round-bottomed flask, filter funnel, and long tubes. Some of them were filled with liquid while others were empty.

Meanwhile, on the other table, there were small vials filled with different colored drops of liquid and lifeform materials, ranging from plants to living lifeforms.


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