
Finding The Problem, Fixing The Problem.

8 hours or so later...

'Everyone, get out of the UVR, the plane is about to land.' The Queen sent Goerge's message in everyone's minds. 

Felix immediately logged out after hearing so. He rubbed his eyelids before pulling the curtain of the window up.

He leaned against it and started gazing down at the beautiful and magnificent capital city of Germany.

Berlin had only a few small-sized skyscrapers like most European cities, who decided to keep their firmly established buildings with grand historic meaning instead of demolishing them for space.

Felix loved this about European countries, as it set their culture apart from those industrial-focused countries.

In fact, he knew that a decade down the line, Europe will be one of the most popular tourist hotspots for outsiders from other planets.

Though, Felix believed that in this timeline, it was going to be happening way sooner than that.


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