
Going Viral in The Mariana Empire!

Millions upon millions of search results all having his name, pictures, the shuffle maze he was playing in, videos of his battles, requests to join his club, people asking for his VR social media account, and many more interesting results.

The more he scrolled down, the bigger his grin got. He didn't believe that he would actually go viral in the UVR from his 2nd game only.

Although he went viral only in the Mariana Empire, it was more than enough for Felix, who never actually went viral even in the Alexandar kingdom! But now, the entire empire was talking about him!

Who could blame them?

Felix's run on the Shuffle Maze should have made him at least get nominated as an MVP of the month. He slew three beasts, two epics, and one legendary. His total kill tally was eight and three of them were hardcore players. All of this was done solo without anyone's assistance. Sadly, Zoe was his MC.


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