
Replaying Landlord's Battle VS The Terror Serpent!

However, they waited and waited, yet Felix still didn't move from his position.

"He was probably planning on how to slay the serpent." Zoe drummed her fingers on the commentary desk and added, "Let's skip it."

Good thing she did, as Felix moved from his position exactly 4 minutes later, holding sky blue bombs in his hands!

Delighted and excited, the spectators began their guessing game on what kind of inducement was the blue one.

The majority believed that it was a dehydration inducement due to its color. But, the rest argued that it didn't make sense, as the serpent was a desert-based beast. Thus its body was equipped with dehydration countermeasures. If not, surviving in the desert was wishful thinking.

Soon, they stopped bothering with guessing and just focused on Felix, who was approaching the serpent on his tiptoes, trying his best to make his presence hidden.


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