
Chapter One-hundred & Nineteen

♦ September's POV ♦

I come to slowly, painfully. The room is dark and I can't feel the rest of my body except for my eyelashes fluttering against the skin of my face.

I feel the reassuring weight of someone on the other side of the bed and instinctively know it's Cyril, what happened?

The last thing I remember is hearing Selena's scream... Wait Selena! Shit!

I shoot upright to a sitting position, eyes wide in horror. I needed to leave and now.

My arms faintly stung but I pay it no mind, dematerializing out of the bed so I didn't wake my older brother.

My eyes adjust to the darkness and I'm pulling on a jacket and bounding my hair up with my trusty leather strap, Styxx said I was not allowed to leave so there was a very high chance the barrier had been reinforced to keep me in.

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