
Chapter One-hundred & Fourteen

♦ September's POV ♦

I watch with barely restrained laughter as Selena viciously grabs the hem of her dress and leaps over a puddle, glaring at it as she does so like she couldn't just walk around it.

I clear my throat, delicately holding up my dress by the skirt, a picnic basket in hand. "You know you didn't have to wear a dress too, right?"

Her response is a cool glare. "Is it so hard to believe that maybe I just wanted to wear one?"

I look at her struggle to walk with the delicate flats she has on and balance her picnic basket to skirt ratio. "Yes." I deadpan.

We had been bundled out of the castle earlier that morning with picnic baskets and told to go take a walk or something by Lucy while they prepared for our surprise birthday party.

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