
Chapter Sixty-two

♦Neruda's POV♦

Cyril freezes under me, his eyes going wide and I wonder if I've crossed a line, slowly I detach my hands that were holding his slender wrists trapped to the bed and get off him, sitting on the bed beside him.

"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." I murmur, lighting up a hand and pushing my gentle burning hand through my hair.

He rolls over and buries his face in a pillow, making a soft noise. "Don't make me sound unreasonable." He finally says, rolling around to look at me with a hard stare. "Just because my mom bit me a couple times and my appetite is less than stellar doesn't mean that I've somehow forgotten how to use my powers which will come in pretty hand on our mission by the way."

"That's not the point here." I say, evading his eyes. I'm not sure how to explain to him that I just didn't want him in harm's way without coming off like I'm underrating or treating him like he's less.

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