
Chapter Fifty-three

♦Arianna's POV♦

Selena's words hit hard and the spiked shield I'd raised up around myself gets a huge crack right down the middle.

"Ari." Zach says in a quiet voice, it's so familiar and peaceful that my face automatically inclines to the direction of his voice. "You're not going to just give up are you? Just because they said there's no way to save him, you're not just going to stop believing, right?"

The tears start now, hard and fast, pouring through the spaces of my fingers. I hide my face in my hands as my shoulders shake in grief.

Cameron didn't deserve all these, he didn't.

Where were the Fates when injustice happened to innocent ones?

I know mere mortals aren't supposed to try and change fate but not for Cameron, I'd shred the strings of fate if I had to.

♦September's POV♦

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