
Chapter Sixteen

♦Lavina's POV♦

I wake up to see a maid hovering beside my bed, like she's waiting for me to open my eyes.

"Ma'am, Ms. Estelle called. She said she wanted to speak to you as soon as you were awake." The maid stutters.

   "Did she tell you to guard my bed?" I snap.

   "No ma'am, I apologize." She whispers.

I collect the phone and dismiss her, when she shuts the door I drop the phone and step into the bathroom.

Whatever she wants to tell me, I just know it'll leave me upset so I'll put it off for as long as I can.

I take a cold shower, wear a knee length cobalt dress and brush my hair. I dial my mother's number while walking down to breakfast. After three rings, her emotionless voice pours through. Why do I love her?

   "Lavina! You can't keep Alejandra anymore." She says immediately with her slight Latino accent, which only bleeds through when she's agitated.

"Hello mother. I'm fine, thanks for asking." I reply drily.

  "I know that, it's obvious with the way you sound." She bites back.

Now I know exactly whose genes Selena inherited. Of all people!

"I don't have time for sarcasm mother, what did the council decide?" I ask, trying to mask my fear.

"She's been traced and this witch is good, she traced her down to Brenton." She says crisply, in that way I know that she doesn't approve of my actions but will support my stupidity anyway.

   "What!? That's not possible." I say, almost missing a step.

"And you should expect a guest in the next...say three days."

"Mother!" I gasp.

   Her voice softens. "Lavina darling, you can't do anything anymore. This is the only way to save everyone."

"At the risk of my child?" I demand in building anger.

"Including her and..." She starts to say but I hang up, not wanting to hear the rest of what she has to say.

I don't want my family to see me worked up, it wouldn't do if the designated villain was ruffled, I take a deep breath and let the cold mask that I've come to become fall over my face. 

I'm seated before everyone as usual, I wait patiently for everyone to settle down.

"Mom, we got detention." Selena speaks up, her wavy hair in a messy knot. "And..."

   "Typical." I interrupt her, not in the least bit surprised.

She gives me a look, I ignore her.

"Cyril didn't get but he's baby sitting us." She spits out, completely unhappy with the plan, as she does this, she's the spitting image of her grandmother.

"September, you got detention too?" I ask, struggling not to let my disbelief show but as usual it came out all wrong.

"I suppose I did." She answers defensively, her wild hair in a messier knot.


  "Ma'am your mother is on the phone." A maid interrupts my plans of apologizing.

"Excuse me." I say absently and pick up the ringing phone, walking away from the table to talk to her.

"Lavina?" My mom's velvety voice comes across the phone. So exasperating, no matter how many miles away.

"Yes mother." I answer with patience I am definitely not feeling, expecting the worst.

"I couldn't tell you earlier, because..." I imagine her narrowing he icy blue eyes. "You hung up."

"Well I was done listening to you." I bite out.

"Well you are going to have to listen now and good." She snaps at me, obviously losing what little patience she had. "Jacque's  son, Neruda Monté is coming over. You know what exactly that means and it's not in a few days anymore but this evening."

"Mother!" I exclaim, feeling all the blood drain from my face.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes contritely. "And I truly do..." She trails off.

I smile sadly, even as I force back tears. "Love me?" I complete for her.

"Yes that, now goodbye." She says awkwardly, hanging up.

I hand the phone over to a maid, try to regain my composure and walk back to the dinner table.

"Grandma says to greet everyone." I tell them as they round up their eating. "And we're going to have a visitor."

"We are?" William asks. "Why wasn't I aware of this?" He complains, furrowing his brow.

"Because my mom just informed me and the kids are going to be out when he comes." I tell him off, feeling horrible when he doesn't look at me and walks away.

  "Whatever mom." Selena tosses at me, pulling September who looks like she's about to take  off after her dad.

They rarely dress alike that I knew of but today they're sporting matching ripped, black jeans and quirky shirts.

"Yes mother," Cyril tells me nicely. "Let's go." He says to his sisters leading the way.

  I stand up ready to plan an entire coup to stop it all, pacing briefly I realize I me to concede defeat.

Crumpling to the ground, I curl into myself beside a chair as the tears start to fall fast and silent.

Maybe Lavina is not so evil as we all thought or maybe it's all a ruse, read on to find out...

Aryna_Stancreators' thoughts
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