
7: physical


I ran my fingers along the wall as I descended down the stairs. I had seen Week come down here a few days ago, but what business did he have in the dungeons?

I almost ran into the door before I broke out of my daze. It was an iron one, and when I touched it, the magic inside shocked me back. This wasn't just the power to keep everyone out, even the original spells were not this strong.

They couldn't keep out angels.

I touched it again and it once again shocked me back. It could sense my angel blood within me. I knew I could still get through, just that I had to be careful about it.

I pushed my demon blood forward and touched the door again.

It blasted open, and Mauraline kicked me from inside. I smiled and placed a hand to where it had come from and it felt as though she placed her hand against mine.

I silently stepped through the halls of the stone dungeon surrounding me and instantly felt sick. I was kept in something like this in my mind. This is where they would keep Levi for days on end.

I tried to silent my panic, as the memories I had blocked out rushed at me at full speed.

They tortured me just like they were torturing Levi.

To keep us in line.

I felt a wave of calm begin to flow through my veins and I relaxed to it.

"Thank you, Week," I said into the darkness and silence. I felt another small kick and released a small giggle before placing my hand against my belly again.

"And you too, Mauraline. You have powers just like your father, don't you?" I asked. I didn't flinch at mentioning Zayn this time, surprising even myself.

I continued my way through the dark place, feeling dread inside my gut. There was one solitary door at the end of the hall, a small glow coming from inside. Curiosity filled me and I started towards the door, before I felt the instant fear.

Pain filled my body and I fell to the stones below me. I felt liquid slide down my leg and knew what was happening.

My vision was changing, an alternate path was taken.

Maura was coming early.

I stood up on shaky legs and continued down the hall. The curiosity was killing me.

I had to know.

I tried to see through the window and was slightly too short to see through. I lightly pushed it open and released an audible gasp at the sight.

There sat Zayn, chained to a chair. Both his wings were ripped apart and in pieces spread around the spacious room.

"Hello, Rosalina," Zayn called. Fear crept into my veins again as I stared at him.

"Rosie girl, you need to let me take you with me. You're in labor," Week called behind me. I turned towards him and slowly backed into the room with Zayn.

"You... you did this...?" I called to him. Fear filled his eyes before it was replaced with another emotion, regret.

"Look what you did to her, Xaphan! She fears you now!" Zayn called out towards him. His laugh churned in my gut and I felt Mauraline push against me again.

"Rose, please," he begged, his eyes filling again with fear. He was scared of losing me.

"Give it up, Xaphan! She doesn't want you! She never wanted you!" Zayn laughed behind me.

Week held out his hand for me to take. I wanted to take his hand, I felt it in my soul, but I couldn't move. Another wave of pain slammed into my being and black spots began to appear in my vision.

I felt my body being lifted off the space on the ground.

"I've got you, Rosie Girl. You need to breathe and relax until we can get you to Angel. Just hang on a bit longer," I heard echo through my head, but I was no longer in control of my body.

My vision was in and out as I went through my birthing cycle. According to my original vision, I was going to die.

Would that still happen?



I wanted to cry as I held the smiling baby in my arms. Her eyes were two different colors, her left being bright blue and her right being gold. Her hair was brown and she reminded me of Lizzie from when she was born.

Her eyes twinkled as she watched me. I could feel the first tear slip down my face before I looked over at her mother. Rose was finally sleeping peacefully and seeing her baby girl alive made my heart swell.

William ran down at that moment and took one look at the baby and smiled.

"Don't cry, Week. Her name is Mauraline," he said to me.

"Maura," I tried and watched the small girl giggle at the new name.

She was born with brilliant white wings, but they had streams of silver interwoven within their brightness. She was born smaller than most babies that I has ever seen.

A groan echoed through the small room and I looked over to see Rose slowly sitting up.

"Rosie girl," I called and watched her light eyes open up as slits. She watched me with curiosity as I brought the tiny baby to her.

"Mauraline," she said, tears forming in her eyes as she took the small baby from me, holding her close. I took a step back and slipped out of the room to give her time with her baby.

Anger filled me again as I thought about how she would not have wanted this.

Night fell fast and silence settled throughout the halls. I quickened my steps to try to get to Rose faster. I stood outside the infirmary and took a breath. I had my hands on the knob before I heard Angel calling for me.

"Week!" she said once she reached me. Her eyes were clouded.

"What is it, Angel?"

"It's Zayn! He's dead!"



I smiled at the visions of my niece that went through my mind. Mauraline.

"Shit!" I heard Michael yell as he ran into my room, checking to make sure I was there.

"Damn that girl! Damn her straight to Hell!" he called. It was the first time I had ever seen this man break. I tilted my head in confusion.

"She killed him. She killed Zayn! Now, she and my granddaughter are missing!"

My eyes widened. That was not part of her new plan. She was never supposed to disappear.

She was supposed to have died giving birth to Mauraline.

"You have been talking to her. Telling her our plans, haven't you, Levi?" he asked, slamming the door shut behind him. "You know where the girls are, so tell me you ungrateful rat!"

I felt strength returning. I felt his sanity and control slipping. This was my chance.

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