

The sky was dark, with only the light of the moon and a small number of stars illuminating the world with their light. A light breeze blew over a courtyard where a girl sat. She was dressed lightly, in a pair of shorts and a tank top. It was almost as if she did not feel the cold.

Red hair spilled down her back, and down to her waist in curled-up waves. She blew a strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes before curling her legs up her stomach once more and looking back up at the sky. The edges of her green orbs had a red tint to them, which was only noticeable if someone looked closely at her.

The wind blew, tousling her hair over her back, tossing that strand of hair back over her eyes. Just a few weeks prior, her hair fell over her shoulders, but now, it had grown long enough to hit the back of her knees when she stood. As much as she disliked it, her grandfather and father had forbidden her from having any ideas of cutting it.

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