

'If you understand, do as I say, Naomi. Are there any complaints with my decision?' The Luna turned to the other members, flitting her eyes over their bodies.

'What about the rest of you?' she turned to the older people in the pack.

One of the men stepped forward, 'if we run, we might be a hindrance to them. Let them run on, we will keep them distracted while you run.' He gave a small smile towards Naomi.

'But I am not a wer…'

'What you are and what you aren't doesn't matter.' The Luna took a few steps forward and tangled her hand through the hair on the back of Naomi's head. 'You are a member of this pack, and that will not change any time.' She pressed their foreheads together. "I want you to run, and run as fast as you can with the children with you."

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