

Lexine walked up to the house while she was humming a tune. She had been in a good mood the whole day although she did not quite know why. She picked up a package that was on their front door and pushed open the door. She removed her shoes, threw her backpack on the floor next to the shoes and walked to the living room with the package in her hand.

She was fiddling with the tape on the package as she tried to open it. "Mom. This was outside the door. Did you order anything?" She spoke without looking up.

Her mother had told her that she had no plans of getting out of the house that day, so she was pretty sure that her mother would be lounging around the living room as usual. She looked up when she did not hear an answer from her mom.

The cardboard box that was in her hand fell onto the floor after she looked up. Lexine ran to the couch. "Mom? Mom!"

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