

That evening, Lexine followed Quira and Desire to a clearing in the forest in which the sylphs lived in.

The number of sylphs present far exceeded the number that Lexine had seen during the paying of respects.

She turned to Quira, a questioning look in her eyes. Quira's eyes swept over the whole area as if she was searching for someone. She then sent a mind wave to Lexine. 'We have five main families in the sylph kind. The main family is the first family. This is where we are currently staying.'

Lexine's mouth made an 'O' shape and she nodded in understanding. She bowed her head to whisper to Quira, "So there are other families apart from the first family?"

Quira nodded, 'The families are named according to number. However, the leader of the family has the choice to change the name the family uses to the surname of the family currently leading specific families. The head family is of course the first family.'

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