

Headmaster walked down the few steps out of the house absentmindedly.

He looked left then right, and when he was sure no one was looking, he picked out small piece of parchment from one of the shrubberies that grew at the front of the house.

Once the piece of parchment was in his hands, it turned black before breaking down into ash.

A frown fell on his lips and he looked back to the house. The indistinct sound of Christana shouting reached his ears. This was followed by something crashing.

He took another piece of parchment and placed back into the shrubbery. After he was sure it was inconspicuous, he walked away.


Arkien slumped down onto his chair with a thud. The picture he had seen when he had gone to the first house was still a shock to him. He tried to piece what had happened to the housemates in his mind. From what Sevin had told him, those sludge patches were originally their attackers who seemed to have died from exposure to the sun.

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