

Quira smiled at Lexine's excitement. 'Then let us begin immediately. Should we wait to go back to the house?'

Lexine cringed. "Don't speak in my head as Taevlin does. It is really irritating."

Quira smiled sheepishly, "I apologize, I got a little excited,"

"Let's wait to go back to the house then."

Quira could not help the smile that found its way onto her face as she nodded. She had found a way to help the human.


The two of them went to Lexine's room after Lexine finished her training for the day.

Lexine pushed a pile of books using her foot. "Sorry for the way my room is a mess."

It was the first time Quira had entered Lexine's room. She looked around as if expecting the words 'i am human' to be written on the walls. Although the room was filled with books strewn all over the place, it did not look that messy.

Lexine sat on the bed and patted the space next to her, "Where do we begin?"

Quira took the spot next to Lexine.

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