

From the sunlight coming from the window, her face looks very pretty. She falls asleep there and just wakes up. She looked around and said, 'oh! It's already morning.'

She looked outside, and the little birds woke up too. She opened the window and said good morning to them, and they made some voice.

She looked at the canvas and was surprised. She didn't have an idea of how she drew it; the dream she saw was on the canvas. She asked herself if she was in a dream and pinched herself.

Suddenly Grana comes to the room. She hid the canvas.

Grana asked, "Did you sleep well, my princess?"

Aira hugged her and said, 'yes, Grana.'

The Jar and Sira came running and stood in her bed. They both wagged its tail and licked Aira, and she hugged them.

Jar finds the canvas and starts to bark. Grana took it and asked who it was. Suddenly the Jar and Sira start to wag its tail and start to cry, looking at the canvas. Aira got surprised.

Grana asked them if they knew him and said who this is. I don't remember.

Aira took it and said it's nothing, and tried to change the topic. She said, 'Grana, I feel hungry.'

Grana smiles. Lilly comes to call them that breakfast is ready.

Grana said, 'I forgot the main thing, and she showed her list of colleges nearby and said, princess, you need to choose one from it.'

She starts to explain about each one of the colleges. Aira didn't concentrate on it, she thought of something else.

Suddenly Grana asked, 'which one do you want to join?'

Aira said, 'Grana, I will check it later. I'm really hungry. Grana, you just go with Lilly aunty. I will come down in a minute. I need to freshen up; then we will discuss it.'

Grana kissed her and said, 'come fast, my princess.'

Aira said, 'sure, Grana.'

She just confirmed that the two went and closed the door. She took the canvas again and stared at it for a while. She murmured, why they two cried looking at it.

She draws Lar, his face hidden. She tries to remember it and says to herself, 'didn't I draw little birds.'

Her head hurts. She hit her head and said, 'try to remember what happened yesterday.'

Only the thing she remembered is Lar is standing in the dark, and she doesn't have an idea when she draws him. She held the canvas close to her heart and cried and said, 'Lar where you are.'


In Seoul…

The young man next door wakes up when his calling bell rings continuously. He went to check who the hell is in a hurry. He opened the door; it was a courier boy. The courier boy said, 'Sir, it's your courier and sign here.'

The young man next door signed it and went inside with the courier. Suddenly he got a call.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, my son, happy birthday.

It's his mom. She called him to wish him his birthday.

She asked, 'do you like the gift. I especially selected it for you, it's not an ordinary painting, and I got it with 2 million, one of the unique paintings in the world.'

The young man next door said, 'thank you, mom, but why did you spend lots and you know that I don't like expensive things.'

She replied, 'It's not that expensive, I know my son better than anyone else, that's why I chose this for you; I did not waste that money, the money was for charity.

The young man next door said, 'Mom, you did great, my mom is the best mom in the world.'

She said, 'I know, whose mom is I'm, my son is the best in the world too. and I think that girl is the best in the world too.'

The young man next door asked, 'Which girl?'

She said, 'I met a girl at the exhibition, she is so cute, I love her lots, and it's her painting. She does an exhibition to help people, so I helped her and checked her paintings; they're all beautiful and unique. I got confused about which one I selected. She helped me to select one after I told her about you. And the painting attracted me lots. And that girl too, I hope I get a daughter in law like her.'

The young man next door suddenly changed the subject and asked when she was returning.

She said, 'I will back, once everything settles, I need to go. The meeting is about to start, I will call you later. I miss you lots, my son,'

The young man next door replied, 'Love you, mom.' But she cut the phone.

He sighs. And looked at the painting and said, let's check how unique it is.

He opened it. It's a big painting, and a letter is attached to it. He looked at the painting; he loved it so much.

The painting is about a boy who is searching for light. He read the caption, "You must bring light into the world." The caption and the painting made him fall for it. He said, 'that girl has a good choice.'

He put the painting on the wall. And looking at it, it's looking beautiful.

He took the letter, which is attached to the painting. He opened the letter. It's saying two words, "thank you."

He smiles, and he feels something different. He smelled the letter, he felt something, and the smell was familiar. He thinks, where it smelled before. He remembers it; it's the smell of her perfume.

'Is it her? Is it her painting? The cute girl mom said is her?', he asked himself.

"Is this called, fate?"


The Calling bell rang, and Poppy opened the door. Aira came down from the room, and she saw someone was here. She went to look at who it is.


Who is it?

To find out, read the next chapter.

"Sometimes we don't need any explanation to identify who it is we can understand just by looking at it".


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