
Apartment 21. Aiden Jenkins. The Morning of Day One

It feels like only a few hours passed by before I am awakened by a gentle nudge on my shoulder. I open my lids and look right into Ash's dark eyes, the twinkling of candle's flames reflected in the opaque colour of his irises. 

"Is it morning already?" I groan while stretching my arms above me. 

Ash glances down at the strip of flesh between my shirt and pants that have been exposed due to my stretching before looking back up to my face. "It's been a few hours so it must be morning," he informs me.

I quickly pull down my shirt and push myself off from the futon. It feels like it's been weeks since I've had an actual good night's sleep, but in actuality, it has only been a few days. "Have you been awake this whole time?" I ask Ash, eyeing the deep bruises under his eyes and the red that ringed them. "Your eyes are bloodshot." 

"I've just been keeping a close eye on Hunter but I'm fine," he says. 

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