

On Neith's right, about forty meters away from them a group of seven monsters made their way toward them. Those weren't Vamirs, but another creature.

[Grootslang] (Lord, Level 100)

HP: 2,000,000/2,000,000

All seven of them had the same status, and looked quite impressive. They were very similar to elephants, except that their trump was turned into a snake.

Adam jumped down from Neith and unsheathed his sword. Grootslangs weren't stealthy creatures by nature, so when they saw Adam was going to fight them, they began stomping their way toward Adam. The trees standing in their way fell on after another, offering no resistance against the huge beasts.

Adam readied his sword, and sent out a large flying slash at the first Grootslang. Grootslangs weren't agile monsters, but tanky ones, and as a quadrupedal monster moving to the side while charging was very difficult.

-10 000 HP!

However, the attack dealt almost no damage because the Grootslang lowered it's head and parried the flying slash with it's front tusks.

Adam activated [Wind Blade] and started rushing toward the Grootslang. When he was about to collide with the one in front, he activated [Whirlwind Slash], and used the boost in speed to bypass the first six Grootslangs, taking 120k of their health each.

Stopping in front of the last Grootslang, he was in the middle of the Grootslang formation. The last Grootslang lowered it's head, and the snake on it's face screeched as it tried to bite Adam. At the same time, the Grootslang didn't stop charging, as this was their best attack.

'Looks like my amulet only work on entire snakes…' Adam thought in his mind as he dodged the snake and jumped past it. He gathered power in his right leg and forcefully stomped it on the Grootslang's face, right where the snake's body started. To do so, he used both [Icy Stomp] and the usual [Mighty Strike].

Critical Hit! -1,100,000 HP!

-550000 HP!

The Grootslang on which he stomped hollered in pain as it was sent flying in the other direction, the snake it had for a trump had been completely frozen and fell off it's face.

As for the other six, although they didn't suffer from a Critical Hit, they still lost a quarter of their health, and their charge was forcefully stopped.

Right as the Grootslang who lost its trump was sent flying, Adam followed it at a quick speed, and he sent four quick flying slashes at it's exposed belly.

-275000 HP!

-275000 HP!

-275000 HP!

-275000 HP!

The slashes were all made of pure water, and each one penetrated a little deeper into it's body, until the fourth one snapped the Grootslang's spine, and killed it.

Adam then turned toward the remaining six monsters. For most monster packs, standing in the middle of their pack was not a good idea, as it make the danger much worse. However, for Grootslangs whose main attack was a charging one, standing in the middle of their pack was actually the safest position to be.

Being Level 100 Lord Monsters, they were quite smart, and they knew that if they charged at Adam, they would most likely charge into each other.

Adam didn't wait for any of them to attack, and since his [Wind Blade] was still active and had most of it's activation time left, he rushed toward one of the Grootslangs, using his weapon to move faster.

Arriving in front of the Grootslang he was aiming for, he dodged the snake's thrust and slid under the Grootslang.

As he was sliding he was also rotating around himself, and he used this opportunity to send four flying slashes, all of which hit one of the Grootslang's legs.

This attack shaved off more than a million of the monster's HP. Moreover, the four flying slashes had penetrated into the legs and severed the tendons, forcing the tall monster to fall as it couldn't stand on its legs any longer.

Adam saw the nearest Grootslang was charging toward them, with an eager look. This made Adam raise an eyebrow, didn't he care about the fallen one? It almost looked happy at the opportunity…

Adam then felt the impulse to laugh. Were the two actually enemies, and was the second Grootslang using this opportunity to kill the other one?

A grin appeared on his covered face, and he didn't move from where was. Only when the charging Grootslang was close enough did he react. He first threw his sword into the snake's mouth with all his strength.

Critical Hit! -80 000 HP!

The sword went through the entire snake's body and impaled it against the Grootslang's face. At the same time, Adam jumped toward the Grootslang's face, and using it's sudden pain it didn't even see Adam as he punched at its two eyes.

Critical Hit! -310 000 HP!

Critical Hit! -310 000 HP!

He used [Mighty Strike] and [Aqua Slash] on each of his fists, and his punches exploded both of its eyes, and hit its brain. Thanks to his great speed, Adam was also able to grab his sword and plunge it into one of the destroyed eyes too, and pierce into the monster's brain.

Critical Hit! 550 000 HP!

A Level 100 Lord had a great vitality, and was even able to survive such a big injury. However, even if Adam didn't do anything it would soon die with an injured brain. But he didn't want to wait, so Adam twisted his sword as it was already into its brain, completely destroying the brain and finishing its last HP.

However, despite being dead, because Adam had controlled his power not to affect the Grootslang's speed, it continued it's charge even after dying, and impaled the fallen Grootslang's with its tusks, killing it too.

Adam looked at the remaining four Grootslangs. Because he had thrown his weapon his [Wind Blade] had been canceled, but it wasn't a problem for Adam as he charged toward the remaining monsters.

The four Grootslangs also started charging toward Adam, this time very close to each other so that if he jumped, he would have to dodge four snakes at once, which was pretty much impossible in their book.

However, what they didn't know was that Adam didn't need to dodge them. As he jumped, and saw the four snakes attacking him, he took a deep breath and used [Great Ice Breath].

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

The four snakes began frosting as they were hit by the cold wind, and their movements became stiff and much slower. Adam wasn't finished though as he swung his sword, using [Crushing Blow] and [Mighty Strike] this time.

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

Critical Hit! -275000 HP!

The four snakes finally bursted into pieces of cold flesh. The [Great Ice Breath] had turned their body fragile because of the frost element, and [Crushing Blow] was a skill made to break shields, so the four snakes were destroyed into tiny bits.

Adam stepped on one of their heads, and used the support to make a secondary jump. Although all four had their snakes destroyed, they continued charging forward, and by now their heads were very close to each other.

Rotating around himself while in the air, Adam activated [Mighty Strike] and [Lunar Smite]. Four blades of ice struck the neck of the four monsters.

-1,100,000 HP!

-1,100,000 HP!

-1,100,000 HP!

-1,100,000 HP!

All four of them received four strikes, which totaled to more than a million damage each. Unfortunately their neck was quite thick so it wasn't a weak spot and he hadn't dealt Critical Hits, but now they all had lost more than 75% of their health.

Adam then expected them to charge into each other, but much to his surprise they bumped into each other in such a way that they all corrected their trajectories and didn't harm each other. Had Adam not been able to dodge them, they would have dealt the damage of four charging Grootslangs without even taking a hit themselves. That was great teamwork.

Unfortunately for them, they were facing Adam. After missing Adam, although they lost three of their comrades, as well as their own snakes, they didn't stop running and tried to flee. Adam, who was falling toward the ground, would have none of that though.

He sent a couple of flying slashes at each of them, and they all fell to the ground, dead.

Here you go, a pure fighting chapter.

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