
I. Fight or Flight

The two rivals stared each other down in the dark, still chilly night. Viper was shocked, wondering how Hawks knew she was going to the police. Viper had begun to feel nervous but tried hiding her true feelings.

Hawks sneered at her, a look she had never seen from him. He was usually laughing with Lucky or flirting with Ivory. The two had never had a conversation, so the situation was awkward.

"Hawks—why are you here?"

"Why are YOU here?" he asked.

"I asked you first," Viper said.

He smirked. "You aren't as clever as you think you are," his eyes narrowed, "Blue sent me because he knew that you were going to the police."

"How did he guess that?"

"He's been in the business for a very long time; nothing bypasses him."

"Well, I am going to the police. What's it to you?"

Hawks leaned close to her face, and Viper had never felt so nervous. "All I will say to you, Lehmann, is that you're fortunate that Blue needs Ivory."

"Why does he need Ivory?"

"Why would I tell you? It's none of your business."

"If it involves my friend, then it is my business."

"If you were Ivory's friend, you wouldn't place her in a dangerous situation," Hawks shouted. "You're lucky that Blue needs and likes Ivory. If you were anyone else, Viper, he would have killed you."

"Kill me?"

"Remember when Blue brought Ivory to room thirteen? They tortured that man in there and made Ivory watch; they torture everybody in that room. He threatened her with your life, Viper. If you and Ivory were any other witnesses, Blue would have had you two in that room and would have killed you slowly and in agonizing pain while you scream and cry for him to stop. That would make your torture last longer; he loves seeing people in pain. He gets satisfaction in seeing people suffer."

Viper shivered; she felt nauseated. "Well, you won't have to worry about me anymore. I am going to the police; you'll never see Ivory and me again."

"It doesn't work like that. Blue leads a mafia gang; he has connections everywhere. For all you know, there could be people that secretly work for him spying on us right now."

Viper smirked. "If Ivory is important to Blue, then he won't hurt me."

"Don't think of it that way," Hawks closed his eyes, smiling. "He may change his mind," he pushed her against the hard, brick wall. She flinched as she grabbed onto her right shoulder blade. "As I said before, he's only keeping you alive because he needs Ivory. Once his needs are known, he'll kill you. Because of your selfishness, the gang is at risk of being caught by the public! You and Roxie really didn't think your flawed plan through."

"Actually, I did. I'm snitching on the gang. After, I will help Ivory escape, and you'll never see us again," Viper assured. "We were supposed to live on our own! We were supposed to be free!"

"You could have been if you gave us your loyalty, or if you had been smart enough to not watch Lucky and me that day. Your plan will never succeed. You obviously don't know how the police work."

"What are you inclining?"

"If the cops don't believe you, you will either serve jail time for simply wasting their time, or they will deem you crazy and lock you up in an institution, or worse — solitary confinement. The law doesn't care for its people unless they hold opulence. When either of those two—or three—options happen, you'll never see your friend again. Did you ever think of the consequences that could be put on her? You're putting her name out there! If any rival gang sees the worth Ivory, they will abduct her to get to Blue. They could kill her, Viper, but your incompetence has shown that you don't think things through! You don't contemplate the consequences that could or will take place."

Viper began to cry. "That isn't true!"

"Oh, but it is! Ivory's just like you — she doesn't know a thing about the police, and I'm reckoning that's one of the reasons why she stays with the gang. Plus, she knows that going to the police won't do anything for her. Unlike you, she's grateful and loyal. Learn to appreciate what other people do for you, Viper. I don't have to keep you alive, you know. Some people would beg to be in your position, to have security, clothing on their backs, food to eat, and would beg to have their lives spared."

"The police will believe me."

"No, they won't," Hawks said confidently. "You have no evidence to prove that Lucky and I kidnapped you. Ivory knows that, which is why she stays."

"Please, she obviously fears you."

"She should fear me; I work for one of the most notorious mafia gangs. I'm many things, Viper."

"You're actually proud of that title? Wow, Hawks, you're a real piece of work."

"I appreciate what Blue has done for me. Give a little, lose a little."

"By the way, I heard that you said to Lucky about my friend," Viper scowled. "I'm warning you, stay away from her."

"I don't know what you're referring too."

"Don't play stupid with me, Hawks! You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Don't change the fucking topic," he growled. "I should have done this a long time ago —"

"Done what?"

"You want to risk your life, I'll help you with that," he slowly reached into his back pocket.

"Hawks—what are you—" Viper shrieked at the black gun in his hand. She turned and ran off as fast as she could.

"Where are you going?" Hawks shouted, running after her. "Get back here, Viper! Come on, don't hide," he said in a child-like voice.

Viper ran, trying to remember where the police station was. Panic hit her as she visualized Hawks catching up to her and shooting her brains out. She envisioned what Ivory would go through. After that, the gang could kill Ivory after the heartbreak she'd experience after losing her one and only best friend; at least it would give Viper a reason to hate Hawks. Viper also imagined it another way: Hawks would catch her and torture her in room thirteen while Ivory would be forced to watch. She would scream and cry, begging Hawks to stop.

Viper removed the paranoia and became aware of her surroundings. She sighed in relief when she saw the familiar street lamps. Viper quickly reached the staircase as Hawks took his gun, and aimed at his target. Hawks pulled the silent trigger, missing his mark by a centimeter as she was too quick and ran into the police station.

"Shit!" He shouted.

Hawks turned around and ran back to his car, but dialed an emergency contact on his cell; someone he didn't want to speak to would help.

"Fox…" he panted while running to his car, "Fox, I need your help. Roxie took Viper to the police station. I went to shoot Viper, but she was quick enough to get inside; she missed my bullet."

"Is Roxie there?"

"No, she drove off a while ago," a smirked took over his face. "I ... I was hoping that you could deal with her. She is your slut, after all."

Fox laughed, "I've got your back, Hawks. Don't worry, these bitches won't get away with anything," The line hung up as Hawks entered his car and drove off.

Hawks sped down the road, angry at what happened. Hawks began to feel scared for Ivory, wondering if she'd be safe at her friend's selfish expense.

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