
It’s Sunday

Jasper yawned getting up before the crack of dawn. He had been waking up before dawn since the incident with his bloodlust and training. He stood and stretched before getting dressed and throwing his clothes in the laundry bag he had. He made his bed and left his tent.

He looked to Thomas before he was told to go run. He started to go run. He didn't get breakfast until he ran two miles. After he ate he would have gun training and shooting practice. He was starting to dislike the gun finding it loud and cumbersome. He would rather stick to archery but arrows cannot go as far as a bullet.

He found it frustrating but knew if he had the chance he would choose to use the bow rather than the gun. Although for now he would have to deal with using a gun as he couldn't even draw the string of a bow back. He was much stronger than he was before but still had a long way to go.

He was also being asked constant questions by Ryan and Jeff about his previous life when he wasn't training. He didn't know how to handle their constant questioning and could only chase them off to get some peace and quiet. Although it rarely lasted as they would come back or he had training to do.

Jasper went for his morning run jogging the first half of his needed run before running. He was already tired from yesterday and hadn't gotten enough rest but kept going. He needed to keep going to build his strength up. He only had a few short weeks before he was going to the battlefield. He was informed he may not go to the frontlines at the very start if he was lucky but since he had been transmigrated his luck was against him.

He figured he would end up on the battlefield with his luck so he was constantly pushing himself to get stronger and better. If he didn't exhaust himself by the end of the day he didn't try hard enough. He had been sore the first few days but now he wasn't really sore anymore. He was fairly relaxed though at times he was sore; he made the habit of working the soreness out by working those muscles again and again. He eventually wouldn't be sore.

As such even during the free time given to him he was either training, eating, sleeping or using the restroom. He could always be seen running or exercising in some way and as such inspirered the other trainees who were in the camp causing them to work harder. So now where every you looked in the base in the sea of tents you would always find at least someone training even though they weren't required to.

In the base there were rumors flying around about Jasper and his exsesive training. Even the cooks made sure to make him special meals filled with protein to help him keep his energy and muscle strength up. The other Sargents and those in charge of training others were now often beeing seen around Jasper watching him train and then throwing that at their trainees. The results really started to make a differnce in their trainees attitudes of saying they were constantly sore and as such contunued to train them with such methods.

Jasper on the other hand had no idea he had caused such an outroar and only thought they were really starting to train their soldiers. The training method he used was of the most basics but it also made his movements and strength grow in the shortest time with the least amount of soreness while still meeting the requirements Thomas had given him.

He was switching between exersises frequently working different muscles. He would go from push ups to sit ups to running before repeating then do something different before repeating the training. He was really only dining short busts of exersice of one muscle before going to another then another to make a pop that reduced soreness. He was only working to make himself stronger and do the best he could while working.

Ass he ran he heard Thomas call out to him and he ran over, "Sir?" Thomas sighed, "Jasper take a rest today. It is Sunday. You need to rest for today. And I do mean rest. No exersicining in anyway for today; your body needs its rest." Jasper spoke, "But sir I only have two and a half weeks left to train before I'm joining the army. I am too weak yet." Thomas shook his head, "You need rest more then training. At this rate your body will blow out on you."

Jasper shook his head, "I've been careful and took measures to prevent that" Thomas shook his head, "no arguments. You will rest today. Ryan and Jefff will make sure of that."

Ryan and Jeff walked up and waved at jasper. Jasper sighed and looked at Thomas. He wanted to continue. He was taking the nesacary precautions. He was building up his basics so that wouldn't happen and that would be no chance of an accendent due to a weak foundation.

Jasper sighed, "fine.. no training for today. Does that only include exersice or does that also include studying?" Thomas spoke, "it included only exersicing in any way. Reading and studying are just fine."

Jasper nodded and walked off back to his tent even as he was followed by Ryan and Jeff. He walked into his tent and sat on his bed looking to the two twins that had followed him in. He rubbed his face and stiffled a yawn. He thought about what to do in his new free time and paused thinking.

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