
Breakfast (1)

Jasper yawned waking and stretched out before sitting up. The day before, he had gotten his cast on his leg removed and the approval to walk on it. Although, the doctors did say to take it easy for the next few weeks. Jasper had other plans though.

He was going to use this time to strengthen himself up. He wasn't afraid of work but he knew he'd have a hard time because of the weakened state his body was in. He also was training without much of a goal except to not die in battle. Before when he had trained he always had a personal reason to train.

It had often been for personal revenge or such. It had never been for just survival even as a child in his previous life. Now, he had no one to focus on getting revenge against yet or prove wrong. He did have the person who tried to kill the previous owner but that didn't spark his want for revenge as it wasn't a personal attack against him but the previous owner of his body.

He had no reason to train other than to survive and for him it was not normal. He had always used his anger to push past his limits in the past but now he didn't know if he could. He was in a dilemma and could only hope he would find some reason to surpass his limits besides just survival.

Jasper sighed before he stood and stretched. He then went and got dressed. He wore some simple sweats and a tank top before he headed out of his room. He opened his door and stopped in his tracks. A little old man stood in front of him looking like he had just been about to knock on his door.

The little old man was dressed in some blue slacks and a black and blue button up shirt. His head was full of white hair and had a white haired goatee. The old man was straight backed and it was clear to see he must have gone through much in his life as he had a few scars on his face. The little old man may be short in height but the aura he had was very formidable and dangerous, making even Jasper pause to think about his words or actions, even though the old man could hide most of it he could still sense it.

"grandfather.." Jasper said softly. "Jasper, I was just looking for you. Want to go get some breakfast together?" The little old man smiled dotingly at Jasper.

"I wasn't really going to eat breakfast.." "Nonsense, you should always have breakfast. Come let's go get breakfast!"

The little old man who was Jasper's grandfather grabbed a hold of his arm and dragged him along as he headed outside. Jasper could only grudgingly follow. He had never had a family in his previous life and had no close relationships with anyone as such he didn't know how to act when given so much kindness.

Jasper was dragged into a limousine that had been waiting outside. It was obvious his grandfather had planned this as the moment the car door was shut the driver started the car and took off. He had no clue where his grandfather was taking him. He looked to the little old man sitting across from him staring at him with a grin that made him unsettled.

Jasper could no longer bear the silence and asked, "where are we going?" "Call me Grandpa." Jasper stared at him a moment before sighing and spoke, "grandfather, where.."

The little old man cut him off, "I said call me grandpa. I'm your grandpa. Though I don't mind you calling me papi like you used to where you were little."

Jasper stared at the old man and couldn't imagine himself calling anyone papi ever. If he truly ever did he would immediately jump from a cliff. Although it seemed he wouldn't get any information unless he called him grandpa. He took a deep breath and resigned himself to what he perceived as a humiliation.


The little old man smiled brightly. "That's my grandson! We are going to Vamire, it used to be your favorite restaurant. You used to demand I take you here every week or whenever I could. I know you have changed but you are still my grandson and I'm here for you."

Jasper nodded stiffly unsure what to say to such famila love and care. He looked away awkwardly. He then finally felt the car come to a stop and looked out the window to see a restaurant with a sign on it saying, Vamire. They had made it to the restaurant.

Jasper got out of the car with his grandfather when the door was opened for them. He followed his grandfather inside the restaurant and looked around. What he saw nearly made him snap.

The place was brightly painted and to him seemed very girly or childish. There were booths with pink cushions and yellow tables. The tables weren't much better than the booths either and on each table was a coloring book with crayons. The floor was some kind of tile painted with different colors of flowers. The walls were blue and pink flowered.

Jasper could not stand it and stopped mid-step before turning and heading out. Before he could make it to the door he was grabbed by the wrist and pulled back in. Jasper looked at who stopped him and saw his grandfather and was dragged to a booth where he was forced to sit.

"Come now it's not that scary. It's a very nice place. And the food is good. So sit and relax. You can open a coloring book and color"

Jasper had a look of mortification at the suggestion of him coloring in a children's coloring book. He was also upset that his grandfather suggested he was scared of the place. He certainly wasn't scared; he was appalled by the place.

"I'm not scared and I will not color in a child's coloring book." "Ok, ok, if you say so Jasper"

He sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration before calming down to the best of his abilities. He was actually getting better at controlling his temper, but considering if he did lose his temper at just about anyone around him could easily beat him down to the ground. That was not something he wanted to happen at least in his current physical condition and predicament.

He was frail physically currently but mentally he was very able. He had no problems with his mentality, in fact he was very smart. He was much smarter and braver than his body's previous owner. Though he didn't know much about the world he now lived in. He was slowly gaining knowledge through the books and news he was reading as well as what he looked up on the internet.

Next chapter