
Can't Think Of A Title

"Do you mean to kill what's covering the outside of this building?" Ava said.

"Yes but I don't mean I have a complete way to kill it but after looking over the files figuring how to stop it. I found out how they managed to stop it. We should be able to weaken it by making sacrifices."

"What?!" Both said in sync.

At this moment I thought to myself "they're getting pretty close." Forgetting my thoughts about it I went back to the important matter of their question.

"I should have said all of this in my monologue."

A little annoyed, I still continued explaining.

"Well anyway long story short they couldn't kill it so they tried to evacuate everybody in the facility. But of course there were still people ceiled in the facility."

"Whoever had run the facility decided to shut it completely leaving some of the people that was left in there. Years later they did something stupid and decided to go back into the faciliy. Many died because of "Bualivhiana." Which is what's covering this place right now."

"They died because of Bualivhiana , right?" Ava said.

"They did, they probably got their blood sucked. The ones that were still alive were traumatized by what they saw at the end. The bodies of their people or friends forming in the walls and ground trying to bring them with them."

"Fast forwarding this supposed to be long story short, they found out the more it eats the people the stronger it is but there is a limit on how much human it could take so it would weaken itself to the point it would be easily killed so that it has more capacity for humans."

"So basically the more it eats the stronger it gets." Isra asks


"Then what are we supposed to sacrifice?! Us!? And why are we making it stronger?!" Isra panicking.

"I don't think you have any reason to panic. The mutants are most related since they are us. Also we have tons of disgusting mutant bodies here we can sacrifice them any time. I also said that it had a capacity limit on how much it could take."

"How are we going to do this? We need a plan don't we?" Ava says.

"There's no need for a plan when the plan is coming to us"

Isra and Ava had no Idea what I was talking about until something came closer to us.

"What's that?" Isra asked.

Ava, having a gut feeling, pulls out her weapon. I was prepared since with these amounts of bloody mutants I can take blood any time seeing as I'm right next to them. When we were ready for the battle Isra was still wondering what the hell was happening.

"What are you both looking at!?"

At the side of my prevailing vision I could see that Isra was trying to look at what we saw. I look back to what's coming at us. It was the "Bualivhiana" It's disgusting vein tentacles were crawling all over the walls and ground coming at a fast speed.

Boliviana being really close to us Isra finally sees.

"What the f**k is that!?"

Isra jumped a little, almost dropping her weapon.

Isra aims and starts shooting.

As I did the same, Levin came out.

"You should start shooting master. I think I developed a new attack."

Looking at the long hallway, Bualivhiana was already pretty close so I shot at it. What I shot was slow, having the shape of a ball that's been formed by blood and electricity but nonetheless not as slow as my other attacks. Everytime it traveled the zapping became rapid.

"This attack feels very familiar for some reason."

Bualivhiana was right where Ava was standing on mutant corpses. But it wasn't focusing on Ava but the mutants under her.

"I think right now is the right time to run away." I said.

"Huh? Why can't we just fight it?" Isra said.

I looked over to Isra as she was ripping open a tentacle making blood splash all over her face."

"We need to stall for time so that it would eat as many as it can and later it would go to it's weakened state.

"Hmm…" Isra looks up wondering.

"Wouldn't this be very dangerous if we fail once?"

"Do you think we have any other choice?"

"We can run away also you know?"

'Oh right. Actually I think that would be a better plan.

Ava was watching if anything changes ready to tell Min

"Min it's about to finish eating all of the mutants." Ava tells Min.

I looked at Ava then under her then realized it's about to finish all the mutants around here.

"We gotta go now." I said

Ava jumped off the short amount of corpses running along us to the opposite part where Bualivhiana came from.

"So what's our next plan?" Isra said.

"Well first I'm not a strategist but first we need to get the f**k out of here or else I'll become too strong for us to fight."

"So we already screwed then?" Ava said.

"What do you mean?"

While running Ava pointed out that the tentacles were following us at fast speed behind us.

"Oh sh*t. Ok next we should uh."

I felt panicky but I was able to adjust myself to keep calm. So I gave out the first order.

"F**king run everybody!!!"

After I said that Ava somehow became faster than me. Surprised Isra seems to have been light and a little faster than Ava.

"How did you all become so fast?!?!"

"Isn't this normal?" Isra says.

"We were following the whole time so we weren't running at our full speed and I don't think ever saw me run before." Ava said.

"Then can I get some help here then?"

"I got you."

Ava grabbed onto my sides and held on to me while running. I was able to see Bualivhiana is coming towards us.

"I'll support and attack from the back and you two continue on running wherever you find the exit." I said.


I just want to say the time on the piece of the story is actual time from what I guessed on how long the chapter was.

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