
Guild of Gods: Scene 1

He comes out wearing something similar to what he was this morning. A worn black leather jacket with patches, black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. His hair is tousled as if he just went for a ride on a motorcycle and he has a tattoo trailing up his neck. We walk over to the set and he's handed a gasoline can and a cigarette. While the director is calling out commands, he looks towards me and gives me a wink.

"And action!"

The way his face changes into his character is drastic but what changes most is his eyes. He looks both bored and haunted. As if he's seen things no man ever should. Nonchalantly, he starts to pour the gasoline around three green screen walls while humming an unfamiliar song. He casually steps to the side as if something tried to take a bite out of him. Once he's done pouring the gasoline outside the building, he draws a line with the remaining gasoline away from the building. Reaching behind his ear he grabs his cigarette and holds it to the sky. Lighting it with lightning, he then takes a couple drags from it. As he's about to flick the embers into the gasoline we hear the cry of a child. Snapping his head towards the sound he sees a child in the building. He takes a deep breath as if he's going to be put out.

"Ugh, son of a b**ch."

He reaches behind him as if he's about to grab something.

"Cut! Great job, Will. We'll do a couple more close ups and then start prepping for the next scene."

While Will films the close up, a stunning woman walks onto the set. She wears her hair in loose waves and has black cat eye sunglasses. Wearing a cape blazer, black blouse, black leather pants, and black stilettos this woman has a fashion forward sense of style. As she passes, I decide to tell her.

"Excuse me, I just wanted to say I love your outfit."

"Thanks, I like yours too. Are you new here? I haven't seen you here before."

"Yes, I just got here today. I'm Astra Cyrene."

"Like from the stars?"

"That's where my mother said we were always from."

"I'm Diana Jackson. It's a pleasure." She says while extending her hand.

"Like the actress?"


While we chat, Will's scene ends and he walks over to his chair. I meet him there with his water and the script in case he needs to look over it.

"I see you met Diana already."

"Do you know her?"

"Yeah, she's the co-star you didn't get to meet. She's playing Medusa."

"She's that Diana Jackson?"

"One in the same."

"That woman is a legend. Her work in "White Lotus" was brilliant! She made that character!"

"So, you do know who I am?" She says as she walks over.

Diana then walks over and gives Will a hug.

"How are you, Will?"

"Ok and yourself?"

"Pretty good. Got bored so I thought it would be fun to come harass you."

"Ever think of taking up a hobby?"

"I do have one. Making your life difficult." She says in a teasing voice.

While they bicker I smile. When I first met him I thought he was a jerk. In reality he's just shy and reserved.

"I see you've met my new assistant Astra."

"I like her already. Much better than that previous person you had."

I wonder what happened with his last assistant. Everyone speaks in code about them, almost as if something happened. Is it a sensitive subject? Should I wait to ask him about it? Or should I even ask at all? One of the set members lets me know that they're going to break for lunch in about an hour and I should go ahead and order now.

"Hey Will, I'm getting ready to order your lunch. Is there anything in particular you want?

"Got any of those Kolache's left?"

"Sorry, you ate them all. I'll make more next time."

"That's fine then, I'll be doing stunts soon so get me something light. Make sure to get something for yourself as well. It's on me."

"Thank you!"

"Diana, wanna join us for lunch?

"No thanks, I needed to talk to the director for a second. I'm gonna go but I'll see you tomorrow. Astra, it was nice meeting you."

"It was a pleasure. I look forward to seeing you as well."

After she leaves, I ask a couple people on set for a good restaurant to order from. After finding a place, I get three cobb salads in case he's hungry later on. As the break ends, I get ready to leave the set.

"If you need anything while I'm gone, feel free to text or call. I'll keep an eye on it."

"Don't worry, I've been without an assistant for a few weeks now. I think I can last an hour or two without you."

"Just making sure. I'll be back in an hour max."

Making my way to the restaurant, I wait in the to-go area for the food. Once lunch is ready, I make sure to leave a decent tip and head back to the car. As I'm walking over, I get a phone call from Will. He must be starving by now.

"Hey, I just got the food I'm about to head over right now."

"Did you tell anyone that you're working on the set?"

"No, the only person who should know I'm here is you and the people who know you're working on this set. Why?"

"Someone left a bouquet of flowers at security and your name is on the card."

"Does it say who it's from?"

"No. The envelope is sealed so none of us have opened it. We're waiting for you."

I feel my blood run cold when he says those words. Did he find me? He shouldn't have. I've put all my social media on private.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

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