
Meeting the Mother

When Cassiopeia opens the door, Donner and Blitzen immediately jump onto Will's lap and start barking aggressively at her. Trying to get away, she trips over her stilettos. Will immediately goes to calm them down. Though, I'm not sure if it's for her sake or theirs.

"Oh look at that, it's Dunder and Blizzard."

"Donner and Blitzen."

"How … cute."

Reaching her hand out to pet them, they immediately start flipping out over her again.

I have to stifle a laugh. They clearly don't like her and it looks like the feeling is mutual.

"Donner, Blitzen stop. Quit trying, Cassiopeia."

"Please Will, I love you. I know what I did was wrong and I'll do anything to make it up to you. Just give me a chance."

"You lost your chance. Just do us all a favor. Move on and learn from your mistakes."

"It's because of her isn't it?"

"No, it's because I respect myself."

"You said I had a chance last month. Suddenly, she comes along and it's over. No, I don't believe it has nothing to do with her."

"The only thing she did was show me what your true colors are at the gala."

"I swear to God I'm going to teach that girl a lesson."

"Leave her alone. She's done nothing to any of us. All she wants to do is work in peace."

"I'll let her work in peace alright."

"Touch her and I'll consider it an attack on me."


"It's time for you to go, Cassiopeia. I'm busy and my dogs don't like you. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold them back."

When I put my attention back on the dogs, they're both growling at her. They look at her as if she's a predator. Just what did this girl do to make these angels act like this? While I hear the clicking of her heels as she walks away, Will slams the door shut and rolls up the window.

"You owe me a milkshake for this."

"Darlin', after what you just went through I'll buy you a bottle if that's what you want."

"The milkshake will do."

"Boy am I glad that I hid."

"Why's that?"

"Think of it this way, if that's how she acted when I wasn't here. Imagine how she would've acted if I was."

"Guess I'm the one who owes you a milkshake."

"There's a diner in town that has pretty good ones and it'll be time for lunch by the time we're up the mountain. Do you want to meet there and grab a bite to eat before we go to my house?"

"Sounds good to me."

Will walks me to my car, checks inside of it and makes sure that I'm in the car and my doors are locked before he heads back to his truck. I feel like there's someone watching us. Donner and Blitzen start barking as if there is, so I look around and don't see anyone. It's just my imagination. I'm just being paranoid. Man, I really hate garages.

"After driving for a couple hours, we finally make it to the diner. We decide to sit outside so the dogs can join us. They both sit beside us obediently and don't beg for food. My godchildren are so well behaved. We both get chocolate cookie milkshakes and cheeseburgers. Though he got two of them and mine just has ketchup. While eating, I suddenly think of what's going to happen when Will meets my mother and I lose my appetite.

"Have you met someone's parents before?"

"Of course."

"Ok. My mom really likes guys with good manners."

"Astra, relax. I've dealt with all sorts of people during meet and greets and interviews. I know how to deal with all sorts of people and questions. If I can deal with them, I can surely make your mother understand that this is just a job. Ok?


"Now lets finish our food and we'll go and meet your mother."

We finish our food quickly and head over to my house. It's a green cabin that's built on a hill and blends into the woods perfectly. After climbing up the stairs we're standing on the porch I put the key in the lock. Pausing to prepare myself I take a deep breath. The fresh air smells like the pine trees we're surrounded by. Knowing I can't delay forever I turn the lock and walk into the house.

"Mom, I'm home"

"We need to talk. I'm not going to live with a manipulator."

"Mom, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. William Wang. This is my boss."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cyrene." He says while extending his hand.

She takes his hand and looks him over. Why does it look like she's calculating how much he's worth?

"Care to explain to me why you've been keeping my daughter out past her curfew?"

"I would be more than happy to. Astra was helping to raise money for the Callista Scholarship Foundation. With her help alone they were able to raise over $500,000. We couldn't have done it without her."

Oh yeah, the date auction. I wonder if he's going to still want to do that? After all it's his money he's going to have to spend to set up that date.

"That still doesn't excuse the fact that she was out late. This is my house, my rules and she will not go anywhere with my car without my permission."

"I completely understand, Mrs. Cyrene. It won't happen again. May I have a word with you in private?"

"I think that's an excellent idea. Astra, give us a moment."

Sulking, I take the dogs from him to go on a walk. I look at him and wonder, if he's going to be able to reason with my mother. He gives me a small nod of reassurance and then turns his attention back to my mother. Taking the dogs for a walk feels nice. It's a perfectly sunny day and we're surrounded by the pine trees. I'm always afraid to go on walks by myself but Donner and Blitzen make me feel reassured. I really hope I won't quit this job. After walking for a while around the neighborhood, I head back to the house. When I get there I hear voices from outside. I knew this was a bad idea! Immediately, I rush up the stairs with Donner and Blitzen and hope that I'm not going to lose my job before I could even start it.

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