
Are you certain?

"Niro Navarrus." Alec called out and the royal aide stopped, turning around to face the Valorian Knight.

"Hm? What is wrong?" the hawk said while raising his brows.

Sherin stopped walking when she noticed that the other two men fell far behind them. She turned around and glanced at them. Sherin did not approach them as she knows that the Crown Prince's knight just wants to talk with Niro alone.

Niro felt uncomfortable by the aura emitting from the commander of knights, 'So sudden, what is wrong with him?' he thought.

That moment, although he was not wearing any expression, Niro was sure that the knight was mad. He felt threatened by his gaze for now reason, as if Alec was doubting him, "Are you certain?"

It was a few seconds before Niro could react, "Certain about what?" he asked.

"Are you certain that Tristan was locked up in that building?"

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