I really enjoyed face-slapping moments, revenge story with solid romance development of FL and Ml is just my cup of tea. I also liked author‘s writing style. But I also think tehre is some potential lost(1 volume): villains are little plain and one-dimensional (they don’t seem human at all); loss of Matt as a character (he somehow became a villain? I just didnt see it coming, he could be easily my second male lead syndrome top candidate); ML’s father reconciliation with his wife felt like a slap to me (cheating bastrds deserve bitter karma, not happy ending with happy wife, and wasn’t there a guy who waited for MiL all his life?); veeery rushed ending and some unfinished plts there.
I don’t mean to bash the story. But I had to include my 5 cents cause I cared to much about the story. Still like the story and hope for more rounded story and characters next time from the author! You are doing great<3
Btw: only finished first volume, mb second is better dunno yet)))