
Chapter 81: She’s Pretty Smart

They passed a window filled with sundresses and Liberty of London scarves, and Sophia smiled. She stared at the mannequin in the window with bright eyes, like a child looking at a princess.

"It's so lovely," she said.

"Let's go in," Catherine said, tugging on Sophia's arm.

The glass doors slid open, and a blast of air-conditioned air greeted them. Different perfumes mingled in the air, and smiling salesgirls welcomed them. Together they walked across the brightly lit floor, looking for the dress they'd seen in the window. Gingerly, Sophia fingered the material.

"It's even nicer in person," she sighed. She reached for the price tag tucked discreetly in the back of the dress and winced. "It's lovely, but I don't need it." 

Sophia wandered across the floor toward the sale section at the very back of the department, and Catherine waved for a salesgirl. Guessing Sophia's size, she asked to have a dress wrapped up.

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