
Chapter 84: Do I Deserve Happiness?

Tears were streaming down Sophie's cheeks. Assholes! All of them! How can they treat Nathalia like this?! She sobbed in anger, pain, helplessness.

Nathalia took another look at Spencer. So deep, so close, so much said. It was as if this would be the very last time. "Take care." She said and turned around to leave.

She walked out of the room slowly, gracefully, just as how she walked in out of his world, out of this beautiful dream, out of this temporary happiness.

From now on, love did not exist, and weakness did not exist. In her world, there would be only hate, toughness, revenge.

To revenge for herself, for her mother, would be the only goal.

Live, live better than any of them. Defeat all those that hurt me, every one of them. She told herself. She assured herself.

Steve heaved a sigh. She's a strong girl. She dares to love and hate. It will be a regret for Spencer, losing her.

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