

Blue lifted his soaking head from the sink, the last sliver of blue having been squeezed from his hair and slithering down the sink's drain. He sadly combed through his natural ghostly light blonde hair which he hated because it made him look like a vampire, or Drago Malloy, or a spirit. He sighed forlornly, sitting on the bed in the bedroom he had grown up in. As he looked around, he realized how dull and empty it looked, which reflected on how he had felt living in it all his life. Blue dressed in his pajamas and flopped onto his bed again, whipping his phone out of his pocket and dialing Luna- who actually was Coconut, he had only renamed him that in his contacts, setting a heart next to it while leaving no heart on the real Luna contact. That way he knew who was who. 


When Coconut's phone rang, he had just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed. His hair was still dripping a little but seeing that Blue was calling him, he pulled on his sweatpants and jumped into his bed excitedly, answering the call with a happy greeting. "Hey, Angel!"


Blue immediately smiled, not expecting his enthusiasm, he laughed. "Hi, Co-Luna." He cleared his throat. "How've you been without me so far?"


"Good, just got out of the shower. Are you doing alright?"


"Eh…." Blue trailed off. "Could be better. On the way home, my parents took me out to eat and they very passive-aggressively told me I should be more careful with the other people I'm attending college with. They generalized it, but I know they were probably talking about you when they said you can't trust everyone you meet. Also...dad told me he didn't like me sharing a room with someone. My mom especially didn't like the sight of seeing just one bed. I'm afraid...they're piecing things together. Oh, and...I drained the dye from my hair. My dad says it's more professional."


Coconut sighed. "I'm sorry, Angel…"


"You don't have to be sorry about anything...yet. They don't know anything about us. They're only...highly suspicious. Oh, and dad saw one of your markings so thanks for that." 


"Oh… sorry… hehe…"


Blue smirked and rolled his eyes. "I wish I could be there with you right now. You're freshly showered and everything…" He hugged his knees and stared at his bare feet.


Coconut chuckled. "I want to see you with your natural hair, love. I'm sure you look gorgeous. Like always." 


Blue blushed. "I don't think so." He chuckled. "I look ridiculous. Like that Drago Malfoy character from Parry Hotter." 


"Well he's hot, so I wouldn't worry about it, Angel."


Blue giggled. 

And then his door opened. 



"What?" Coconut looked at his phone.


"Your father wanted to show you the suit you're going to wear to the wedding. Who are you talking to, Blue?" 

"Oh, uh...Luna." 

"Really? Can I talk to her?" 


"I-uh-" Coconut's eyes darted for an excuse then he heard Winx yell and then a big thump came from the common room. Coconut flew out of his room and grabbed Winx's arm, pulling him off the floor where he had tripped, clumsy as normal. Coconut pulled a confused Winx into his room and shut the door behind them. He muted the call before looking at Winx with a begging expression. "Winx, I need you to pretend you're Luna!"

Winx tilted his head. "Why-"

"Because I can't pull off a convincing girl's voice and Blue's mom wants to talk to "Luna!"

Winx still looked a little frazzled but he took the phone and unmuted it.


Blue tried using an excuse on his mother but it didn't work. "Ok but...she's got a cold so she's not going to sound how she usually does…" Blue then said into the phone, "Um, Luna? My mom wants to say hi." 

He then gave the phone to his mother. "Hello, Luna! How are you? This is Blue's mother!" She said excitedly.


Winx was caught off guard and didn't really know what to say but with a glance toward Coconut, he knew he had to try. He couldn't resist the sad, pleading, hopeful puppy dog eyes being sent his way. No one could. "U-Uh, um, h-hi… S-Sorry we haven't been able to meet yet my… my college work is k-keeping me occupied." 

Coconut mentally begged for Blue's mom to fall for it. Winx had a naturally feminine voice and he just hoped Blue's mom wouldn't notice the difference if she actually met Luna.


"No, that's fine, I totally understand." She said, she smiled at Blue. "In fact, that's the perfect excuse you could give Blue's father and I, we know more than anyone how important work is." She chuckled. 

Blue was rubbing his face in nervous terror, hiding his face, knowing it was all over. 

"So what is it about Blue you like so much, anyway? I promise I'll leave you two to chat in just a bit."


Winx bit his lip while he thought and when he looked at Coconut again, an idea struck him. "I-I mean… I like everything about him. H-He's really sweet and supports me through all my struggles… it's nice to have someone who cares stick around…" Winx was only saying what he had observed from Coconut's behavior around him, talking as if he was Coconut.

Coconut listened worriedly, anxiously chewing on the inside of his lip.


"Aaaawe, that's so sweet. Well, I'll be going now. Lovely chatting with you. See you sometime later." 

She handed the phone back to Blue and closed the door with a smile. 

"Uuh… Coconut?" He said quietly into the phone.


"Hey, Blue," Winx said instead.


Blue raised his eyebrows. "Is that Winx?" He laughed. "Thank god." 


Winx said a small goodbye and left Coconut's room after giving the phone back. "You alright, Angel?"


Blue was still laughing. "That was smart thinking. I was so scared." 


"I only thought of it when I heard Winx fall so thank his clumsiness." Coconut chuckled softly.


Blue laughed again. "I'm so glad that worked." Blue calmed down. "Will you be ok without me tomorrow? What are you going to do while I'm gone?" He leaned against his pillows. 


"I'll probably pack up some of our stuff and bring it to the mansion. I don't have much planned, just waiting for my vice CEO to notify me."


"We're really just going to stay at your mansion from now on?" 


"Unless you don't want to?"


"No, no, believe me, I want to." He smiled and ran his fingers through his wet hair. "That sounds like a dream come true." 


"Haha, you really do sound like a gold digger sometimes, love." Coconut chuckled.


Blue laughed. "I'm not, I promise." He paused. "I really miss you, Coconut. Already. I've never enjoyed spending so much time with a person before." 


"Me neither." Coconut smiled and laid down on his back on his bed. "I miss you too. Wow. I don't know if we'll make it these next few days."


"It's just tonight, tomorrow, and then the next day. I don't have a car so my parents will probably drop me off again." He slipped beneath the covers. 


"Yeah…" Coconut hesitated for a second. "I-I can call you in the morning right?"


"You can call me anytime, Coconut. Just have Winx close by so he can fake being Luna again." Blue chuckled. 


"Alright, I'll try," Coconut laughed softly, then went quiet.


"Coconut, I know you have uh...well," Blue rolled his eyes, embarrassed to say it so he whispered, "A high sex drive. So...you won't like, go crazy without me will you?" 


Coconut chuckled. "No, love. I won't. The buildup just makes the reward even sweeter," he purred huskily.


Blue blushed and rubbed his legs together, shrinking into his pillows. He giggled quietly. 


Coconut checked the time and sighed. "We should go to bed, Angel. You need your sleep for when I wake you up while I'm having a panic attack," Coconut half-joked.


"Right." Blue took it more seriously than he had meant it to be. 


"I love you, Angel." Coconut's heart was pulsing with nothing but love.


"I love you too. I can't wait to be with you again." 


"Me neither." Coconut longed for nothing more than to be able to run his fingers through Blue's hair. "I wish I could kiss your forehead goodnight."


"Hm. Just pretend to and I'll pretend to feel it." Blue closed his eyes, imagining Coconut was laying beside him. 


Coconut let out a puff of laughter. "Sure, love. It's an "I miss you" kiss." He made a soft kissing sound and remembered the warmth of Blue beside him.


Blue blushed and laughed. "Thanks, I can feel it." He kicked his feet giddily. 


"Me too…" Coconut whispered lovingly, smiling softly while he listened to Blue laugh.


After a few long seconds of listening to Coconut's breathing, Blue said reluctantly, "Goodnight, Coconut."


"Goodnight, Angel." Coconut smiled again. "I love you. So much. Don't forget that, alright?"


Blue smiled at his ceiling. "I won't, Coconut. I never will." He didn't want to end the call yet. 


"Good." Coconut sighed happily and looked up at the ceiling. 


"Coconut….I think...I want to come out to my parents. I've been thinking about what you said. They can't control me." 


"Really?" Coconut couldn't contain his grin. "I'm so happy, Blue. I'm glad you're being so brave."


Blue was overcome with happiness and confidence. "I know. I mean, I know I am being brave, but I also know I wouldn't be if it weren't for your encouragement."


Coconut laughed lightly. "Still, it's your decision, Blue. Don't do it because I pressured you to, okay? And I want to be by your side when you do come out."


"Oh. Really? Ok." Blue felt relieved.


"Did you think I wouldn't?" Coconut mocked offense.


"No, I just didn't expect you to want to be there when my parents blow up on you." He nervously chuckled.


"Are you serious? I'd rather be there than not. Being by your side is more important to me than what your parents think." Coconut sighed. "I'm just… I think it's amazing that you're finally going to come out to them. And… if it doesn't go well… it's alright to be upset, but don't let it get to you, okay? You have so many people who love you. And you sure as hell have me… so if they disown you, I'll try to fill the empty space, best I can. But again, Blue… if you aren't ready, that's alright. Just tell me. I'll understand. Promise."


"No, I'm ready, I want to. But I want you there for it, like you said." 


"I will be, love. Just tell me when."


"Ok." Blue smiled again. "I love you, Yuno." 


"I love you too." Coconut breathed happily. "I couldn't tell you in words how much I love you, even if I spent an eternity saying it over and over again."


Blue giggled. "I love your poetry. Write me a song, it would be beautiful." 


"Writing a song is harder than you think it is, love." Coconut chuckled.


"I know that." Blue rolled his eyes as he chuckled with him.


"Maybe… when you get back we can write a song together?" Coconut asked hopefully.


Blue smiled. "I would love to do that!" 


"Great." Coconut was looking forward to that.


Blue's eyelids were droopy. "I love you, Coconut." He said again. 


"I love you too, Angel." Coconut paused and smiled to himself. "We should go to sleep, love. Is that okay?"


"Yeah, ok. Goodnight, I love you."


"I love you too. I hope you have better dreams than I will." Coconut chuckled dryly and then smiled. "But seriously, Blue… goodnight. I love you." Coconut ended the call and instantly wanted to call him again just to hear his voice.


Blue was sad the call had to end. He stared at Coconut's contact for a minute or two, thinking about him and what he would say when he saw him face to face again. 


Coconut sighed and pulled the bed covers over him and kept his phone within arm's reach if he had a night terror. 


Blue fell asleep with a warm feeling spreading through him, his smile stayed even once he fell asleep.


Coconut was consumed by sleep soon after he laid down, calmer and feeling better about going to bed than he normally would when alone. However, though he went to sleep peacefully, he knew in the back of his mind that he wouldn't wake up that way.


Blue slept heavily and peacefully through the night.


Coconut woke up silently that morning. But not calmly. Tears were falling like a broken dam and his breathing was heavy and irregular. He sat up quickly and lurched toward his phone, snatching it up and calling Blue. He almost dropped his phone and he realized his hands were violently shaking.


Blue had been up for a while. He had just sat down for breakfast with his parents when he received the call. As soon as his mother laid his plate of eggs in front of him, Blue jumped from his seat and headed down the hall. 

"Blue, where are you going?" 


He nearly ran into his father who had just turned around the corner. "Andrew, your mother and I have something to discuss with you." 

Blue moved around him, "Ok, I'll be down in a second." He ran up the steps and to his room, answering the call and closing the door. "Hey, good morning, Coconut."


"H-H-Hey-" Coconut barely managed to greet him, breathing too quickly and too upset to calm down.


"Are you okay?" He didn't sound okay. He sat on the edge of his bed. 


"N-N-N-No…" Coconut sobbed as quietly as he could.


"Coconut, what's wrong? Did you have a night terror?"


"W-What d-do y-you think?" He asked shakily, trying to be a little humorous even though he was scared out of his mind.


Blue tried to calm him down. "Was it really bad?" 


Coconut said a small yes. With a whimper he curled into a ball.


"Coconut, it's okay. It's over now. I'm right here." His voice was soft. 


Coconut calmed down only a little. "I-I wish y-you really w-were… I-I… I l-like your h-hugs…"


Blue felt like crying. "Yeah, I like your hugs too." He sniffed. "I'm sorry I left you that night, I should have thought about what that would do to you."


Coconut recognized the sniffle as one of sadness. "D-Don't cry… th-then both of us w-will be…" Coconut choked up and coughed suddenly, wheezing to try and breath.


"Coconut, I'm worried about you." Blue chewed on a fingernail. 


Coconut coughed a little more before he caught his breath. "S-S...S-Sorry…"


"No, don't be sorry, I was just telling you-" his door opened. 

"Blue, come down quickly." His mother was whispering urgently. 


"B-B-Blue?" Coconut whimpered, suddenly freaking out even more at the thought of Blue hanging up.


"Just a second." He told his mom. 

She gave him a look but closed the door. 

Blue gratefully sighed. "Sorry. I'm still here." 


Coconut let out a shaky, relieved sigh. "P-Please don't l-leave."


"I won't. My parents can eat without me. Listen, everything is gonna be okay. We're one night closer to being together." 


Coconut slowly began to calm down. "O-Okay…"


"You made it through the night only waking up with one. That's' not so bad." 


Coconut's tears eased a little, Blue's voice and supporting words helping him greatly.


"I'll try to come home soon. Right after my uncle's wedding if I can." 


"Th-Thanks…" Coconut sniffled and whimpered again, biting his lip to keep in his tears.


"I love you. Don't forget that." He quoted him. 


Coconut smiled a little. "I-I won't…"


"Good. Now tell me about what you're going to do today." He wanted to distract him. "It's the first day of fall break, it should be something fun."


Coconut took a deep breath. "I-I don't have m-much planned… just… just moving our s-s-stuff…" He was still breathing irregularly and sweating profusely, but he was beginning to feel safer while Blue talked to him.


"Well, that sounds boring, you should hang out with friends or something too. Or...exercise. Play more soccer. Don't get flabby while I'm away."


Coconut chuckled airily then coughed again. "St-Stop making me l-laugh…"


"Honestly, I'm not even trying to." Blue smiled. "But seriously, stay in shape because the sex wont be as great." 


Coconut scoffed lightly. "N-Not even if it made me b-bottom more?"


Blue laughed so hard that he held the phone away from his mouth. "On second thought, stop exercising." 


Coconut chuckled again but didn't struggle for air this time. "We'll see."


Someone was knocking on Blue's door. "Blue, please come down before your father kills me." 

"Just a second." He told his mother. "Sorry, Coconut, I'm gonna have to go. Is that okay? You can text me anytime, I'll respond when I can." 


Coconut whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut, but forced himself to relax, not wanting to hinder Blue anymore. "Y-Yeah. Got it." He was quiet for a second then whispered, "I love you."


"I love you too. Text me, okay?" 

"Blue Andrew- I mean, Andrew Blue Angelite, get out here right this minute!" 

He ignored her again.


"I-I will. Stay safe, Angel."


"You too, Coconut." He hung up and then shoved his phone in his back pocket- he was still wearing pajamas. Blue opened the door, facing his fuming mother. He walked past her. "Sorry."

She watched him walk away from her sternly in silence. 

Once Blue was sitting at the table again, ignoring his father's gaze. 

"Leaving the table before I've even sat down? After months without seeing you?" 

Blue didn't respond, only ate quietly. 


Coconut gathered himself and tried to shake off his night terror before he left his room. When he finally did, he saw Winx making breakfast in the kitchen and smiled when he noticed him. Winx knew better than to ask about his night terror.

"Hungry?" The small boy asked with a smile.


Crypt yawned and stretched as he walked in shirtless, having heard and smelled him cooking. "Yes." Then he saw he had been talking to Coconut and frowned. "Oh."

Blue's father looked at his mother who silently looked back at him. "Andrew." His father's voice was low and stern, how he sounded every time he was about to yell or scold him. "Your mother and I have a theory about where this attitude of yours has come from, but we didn't want to hurt you by taking you away from your college and forcing you to take classes online."

Blue looked up quickly. "What? No, you can't do that." 

His parents looked at him in impressed offense, his mother had taken her seat at the table. His father darkened his tone and expression. "Yes, we can and we will if you don't shape up." 

"Shape up? What's that supposed to mean?" Blue had never spoken back to his father like this before, but something inside of him had snapped at the thought of being taken away from Coconut. 

His father held his gaze, looking furious. "There's someone I want you to meet. We're meeting him for lunch. I think your thoughts about continuing college at Cerulean will change." 

"I really think they won't." 

"I will not stand this behavior!" His father yelled in outrage. 

"Derek!" His mother looked afraid. 

"Go to your room, Andrew." 

"I'm not six years old anymore!" Blue stood up anyway. "And I go by Blue now! That's what everyone except you has called me for three years!" His fists trembled in rage and his entire body prickled with icy fear, but strangely pumped with a brave desire to tell him off. "Also...Also…." Now on a roll, he sweated and lost control of his breathing. "I'm…" 

His parents looked at him in surprised terror. Blue knew in that moment that they both already knew what he was going to say. 

"I'm gay, alright?! There! I said what you've known for...I don't know how long. I don't know when you figured it out, but I did ages ago!" 


Winx rolled his eyes at Crypt and set a plate down in front of him then grabbed a plate for himself and gave another one to Coconut. He made pancakes, and out strawberries and whip cream on them, but noticeably more on Coconut's and he even put some chocolate on it as well. Winx smiled at Coconut softly and silently asked him with his eyes if he was okay. Coconut smiled and nodded, appreciative of his concern. Winx sighed in relief and kissed Coconut's head before making his way to his seat beside Crypt and sitting down happily.


"I don't remember who your boyfriend is, me or him?" Crypt crossed his arms. 

Blue ran up the steps and slammed the door to his room, ignoring his mother's calling. Blue called Coconut immediately. 


Winx looked at Crypt in confusion. "Why would I date big bro?"

Coconut was about to speak as well but then his phone rang, and after checking who was calling, he ran off to his room without another word and slammed the door shut while answering.


Crypt rolled his eyes and then looked surprised when Coconut left so dramatically. "What's wrong with him? I don't think I said anything offensive. If anything, I should be offended." 

"Coconut?" Blue had his hand on his forehead and he was pacing. 


Winx shook his head. "He got a phone call. I doubt it had anything to do with you."

"Yeah? Is something wrong? Did something happen?" Coconut didn't think Blue would call him so soon, and he sounded worried.


Blue held his breath for a second before bursting into a panicked yell as he cried. "I really messed up, Yuno. We're in deep shit." He was running his other hand through his hair furiously as he paced around his room. 


"What do you mean? Are you okay?" Panic filled him while he thought about what could have gone wrong, but he forced himself to take a deep breath and calm down.


"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to tell them but I accidentally...I was angry, and I just...exploded and it came out. I came out. To them. My parents know. I think they're gonna force me to take online classes." He hyperventilated as his head pounded for crying so hard in fear.


"Hey, hey, hey. Calm. Down." He felt kind of silly now that it was him comforting Blue. "Just relax, Angel. It's okay. They can't control you, remember? Just… sit down. Talk to me."


"I can't." He hiccuped and sat down, in the back of his mind he wondered how he knew he was standing. "I think we're dead." 


Coconut smiled a little. "Hey, love, it's alright. Don't worry, just listen to my voice okay? Everything will be fine. I promise."


Blue did so, knowing Coconut was wrong but chose to believe him anyway. He put his elbows on his knees as he pressed his cold phone to his ear. 


Coconut hummed quietly while he waited for a moment, giving Blue a bit of time to calm down. "Do you feel a little better, Angel?"




"I'm glad." Coconut ran a hand through his hair, and decided to talk more to help him relax. "You know how much I love you right?"


"A lot. I know." He took a deep shuddering breath. "I'm scared, Coconut. I don't know how I'm going to face my parents again after saying all that." 


"Do it the same way you faced them when you did tell them. Don't let yourself be afraid, okay? Just imagine me and Char right next to you the whole time. Just be brave again, love. I know you can."


"Ok." Blue swallowed. "You're right, I can-" There was a soft knock on his door, Blue held still, sweating nervously. 

"You have three hours before our lunch with a guest. Look presentable." It was his father. That's all he said. 


"Yes. You can, Angel." Coconut smiled and sighed. "Don't let them force you into submission again. It felt good to stand up to them, even if it was a little scary, didn't it?"


"Yes." He said after a pause. "Hey, so um. I'm supposed to meet someone later. I have three hours to talk until then. If you want." 


"Do you know who you're meeting?"


"No." Blue sighed. "Someone who my dad said might change my mind about attending Cerulean Studies. It's probably someone who is offering to pay for my scholarship at another school."


Coconut scoffed out of laughter. "I could pay for your scholarship at any school."


Blue smiled. "Yeah, I know you could." He groaned and laid on his back. "I really don't want to be here."


Coconut smiled again. "I don't want you to be there either. I could… come get you… but I doubt your parents would like that very much."


"If you came and got me, we might as well just run away to your mansion and never come back." He wished. 


Coconut laughed softly. "Yeah. But that would just start even more drama with your parents."


"You're right." Blue said. 


"It's only a few more days, like you said. Then you're free."


"Free." Blue smiled, resting the back of his hand on his face. Blue and Coconut spent their three hours flirting and joking around. 


"Hey… didn't you have something to get ready for?"


Blue checked the time. "Crap." He jumped off the bed. "Sorry, Coconut. I gotta go. Talk to you later, love you, bye." 


"Bye, Angel. I'll call you tonight. Text me if you need anything."


"You too." He hung up and then rushed around his room as he dressed in a nice shirt and pants. 


Coconut looked at his phone sadly and then put it down so he could gather some of Blue's clothes and other things they would need while at his mansion.


Once Blue was presentable, he left his bedroom and joined his parents downstairs, who were both ready to go. Not a word was spoken as they filed into a car and then drove to an expensive restaurant. 


Coconut had finished choosing what he was bringing and picked it all up in a box. He had left a few days worth of Blue's clothes in case they needed to come back at anypoint. While he was walking out of the dorm he thought he saw a familiar looking car but couldn't exactly place it, so he just shrugged off the thought.


Char had just been taking care of her plate when she too had seen the car out the window. "Hey Winx, whose car is that?" 

Crypt irritatedly stopped kissing Winx. "I'm a person too you know." 

Char gave him a look he didn't understand.

Blue's family had arrived. They ordered appetizers in silence. Blue every now and then looked up at his parents, wondering when they would speak to him, but anytime he made eye contact with them, his mother looked away and his father stared at him for too long. 


Coconut carried the box to his car and set it in the passenger seat. As he was closing the door, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and he felt hot breathing on his ear. Just as he was about to swing around and slam his elbow into the person's head, he froze, an icy chill spreading through him instantly.

"Did you miss me, doe eyes?" Kal's voice was low and he purred it next to Coconut's ear. Coconut said nothing, only staring forward in terror.


Blue asked after they received their appetizers. "So...who am I supposed to be meeting?" It was the first thing he'd said to them since his outburst. 

His parents looked at each other from behind their menus and then his father put his menu down. "Someone willing to pay a lot of money for you. They're very important so don't embarrass yourself. They should be here by now but I'm sure he has his reasons."


Kal hummed and slid his hands down Coconut's sides. "Are you going to answer me?" he asked more harshly. Coconut whimpered and lowered his head. Kal narrowed his eyes. "Hmph. Fine, good enough."

Coconut wanted nothing more than to shove Kal away from him and yell at him to leave him alone, like Blue had encouraged him to do, but he had known in his heart that he couldn't. For whatever reason, fear, anxiety, or anything else, he just... couldn't. He was so freaked out that he was still breathing normally, but his mind was racing faster than ever before.

Kal unwrapped his arms and turned Coconut around, grabbing his chin not-so-gently and forcing him to look up.


"My apologies, stuck in traffic again." 

Blue froze at the eerie familiar voice and looked up in terror.

His parents reassured him that there was nothing to worry about as the "important person" sat next to Blue. 

"Hello, Blue." Blaize smiled.


Coconut averted his gaze as fast as possible, which made Kal growl. He tightened the grip he had on Coconut's face. "Look at me. I want to see your pretty doe eyes."

Coconut shook his head slightly, tears welling up in his eyes. "N-No...." he whimpered weakly.

"No?" Kal moved his hand to Coconut's neck, squeezing just short of what would cut off his breathing. Coconut's eyes widened in fear and his hands reached up to try and pull at Kal's hand, but he didn't budge. "Listen here and listen well, sweetheart." Kal hissed the nickname and tightened his grip. "You know better than to disobey me, right?" Coconut hurriedly nodded, afraid of the consequences. "Then look at me."

Coconut's heartbeat sped up and he tried his best to not listen, but it was getting harder to breathe and he slowly did what Kal had commanded him to do. Kal smiled evilly. "There we go." He let Coconut breathe again, but kept his hand on his throat. "You aren't so tough now that your boyfriend isn't here, hm?" Kal used the hand on his neck to force Coconut to walk backward until his back hit the car, where he leaned close. "But it wouldn't matter would it? Since you love me more."

Blue's words echoed in Coconut's head and he gathered enough courage to shake his head and stutter a quiet no, which he immediately regretted. 

Fury lit inside of Kal's eyes and he glared down at him. "What?" His hand closed around Coconut's throat again, harder than before and digging his nails into his skin. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Could you repeat yourself?"

Coconut shuddered and a couple tears rolled down his cheeks, making Kal smile sadistically. Coconut knew Kal wasn't patient so he changed his answer to what he wanted to hear. "Y-Yeah… you-you're… right… i-it… it w-wouldn't…. m-m… matter…"


"B-Blaize?" Blue looked surprised. 

"I like your hair." 

"Blue, you know Mr. Maverick?" His mother questioned. 

"Uh…" I'm dating his brother. Also he's my ex. There was no way he could possibly tell them the truth even though they already knew his once secret sexuality. "Yes. From school." He lifted the edge of his chair and scooted away from him as discreetly as possible. 

"I attend Cerulean Arts." He smiled at them, drumming his ring covered fingers on the white table cloth. 

Blue noticed he had dressed to impress, eying his suit and jewelry from the corner of his eye and blushing when he thought about the suits in Coconut's closet he had still never gotten to see him wear, but he was sure Yuno would look far more dashing in one. 

"Dad, so who... Where is the important person i'm supposed to meet?" 

There was a short pause and his mother laughed while Blaize chuckled, his father only harshly narrowing his eyes at his son. 

"Blue, you'll never change, will you?" Blaize joked while throwing an arm around him as if they were friends. 

Blue stiffened and gripped the sides of his chair. 

"I had no idea you two were friends." His mother said nicely, Blue's father was still sternly glaring. 

"That's exactly what we are. We're very good friends." He grinned and rubbed Blue's shoulder. 

Blue held back a retort. 


Kal kept his hand around Coconut's neck, squeezing tighter, just wanting to hear him choke. Coconut pulled through as long as he could but soon started gasping for air and clawing at Kal's hand. Kal narrowed his eyes but let go of Coconut, who fell backwards, coughing and holding his now bruising throat. Before Coconut could even catch his breath, Kal grabbed him by the back of his head and pushed his head towards his own and initiating an intense, one sided makeout session that Coconut futilely tried to escape.


Char was watching in shock. "Winx? Do you know-" she turned around but he and Crypt were gone. Char called Blue. 

Blue's phone buzzed in his back pocket and he shifted to slide it out. He stood from the table. "Excuse me." 

"No, Blue. You haven't met everyone yet." His father grabbed his arm and took his phone from him. 

"What? But-" 

"Sit down." 


Kal forced Coconut to kiss him for several minutes before he finally stopped and smirked at him. "It'd be better if you kissed back. But it's so nice to watch you struggle." He bit his lip and Coconut pushed himself against the car as much as he could. "'Till next time, doe eyes."

Coconut watched Kal walk back to his car and drive off with wide eyes. He looked flustered but really he was scared out of his mind. His red cheeks were from being robbed of air for so long and his heavy breathing was a mix of terror and trying to breath again.


Char whispered under her breath. "Pick up Blue…" she nervously watched Coconut from the window.

Blue sat down reluctantly and as he did, in walked an energetic Jackson along with his mother. "Jackson?" Blue didn't have a great feeling about this. 

Jackson and his mother greeted Blue's parents who they were good friends with. Blue never thought that one day he would be eating dinner with his ex and school principal. 


What had happened hadn't fully settled in but he knew that he needed to call someone before he broke down. He hurried to get in his car and called Elliot, who answered pretty fast.

"Hey, Coco, what's up?" 

Coconut breathed shakily. "Can you meet me at my mansion?"

Elliot became worried, recognizing the panic in his voice. "Yeah. I'll be there as soon as possible, okay?"

"Okay." Coconut hung up and focused on keeping his driving steady on his way to his mansion.


Char glared as Coconut drove away, thinking she better confront him. Char left the dorm and followed him in her own car. 

The light conversation was between his parents, Jackson, and Jackson's mother who was wearing contact and her hair down. Blue thought she looked quite beautiful though her wrinkles were apparent. Blue decided to ignore Blaize altogether and only respond with a simple yes or no when he asked him a question. It was gut wrenching to sit next to him calmly after the things he had done. It was all Blue could think about. He didn't hear his mother call his name until the third time. "Sorry. What?" 

His father rolled his eyes. "You have to start taking things seriously, Andrew. We're talking about your future." 

"What?" He looked clueless. 

"That's why your school principal is here." He said in agitation. 

Blue's expression didn't change. 

Blaize explained things slowly, forcing Blue to make eye contact. 

"Listen Blue," a small smile remained on his face through his offer. "I'm working with a program that offers scholarships to aspiring lawyers through the country. They pick out those who impress them and you impressed me. Since I'm your friend, I'd like to pay for your learning at a prestigious school in New York. It'll boost your status and set you at an early start for a career." 

Blue thought about that for a while, staring at him. "Why would you do that?" 

His parents looked at his principal who looked back at them. 

"I just told you-" Blaize pretended he thought he was joking. 

"I mean what's in it for you?" He knew there was something behind his plans.


Coconut arrived at his mansion fairly quickly and saw Elliot waiting on the stairs. When Coconut stopped the car and got out Elliot made his way over and hugged him. "Are you okay?"

Coconut shook his head slightly. "Not really…"

Elliot grabbed his hand and pulled him up to the grand doors. "Let's go to your room to talk, I already had Farlen make some tea to help calm you down."

"Thanks, Ellie," Coconut said softly.


Char rolled her car past the mansion's gate after having seen Coconut and Ellie enter the mansion together. Oh no, Blue. She didn't know how to tell him. 

"What's in it for you?" Blue repeated. 

"Andrew, that's extremely rude of you, he's a friend." 

"He is not my friend." Blue snapped his gaze toward his father and then his mother gasped loudly along with Jackson's mother. Blue looked at them in confusion and then turned his head to see what they were staring at. 

"Andrew Angelite...will you marry me?" Blaize's smile seemed genuine to his parents but Blue could see the evil twinkling in his eyes.


Coconut and Elliot were sitting on Coconut bed together while Elliot comforted Coconut, who was sipping on tea. Coconut's head maid and mother figure, Farlen, had brought the tea and was sitting on the other side of him. 

"What happened Coco?" Elliot asked softly. Coconut ran through the scene in his head again and now that he was being comforted, he let loose. A loud sob sounded from him and he started crying intensely into Elliot's shoulder while Farlen rubbed his back. 

"K-Kal… h-he…" Nothing more needed to be said. Both Farlen and Elliot knew about his abusive, sort of boyfriend. Elliot clenched his fists and growled. 

"That god damned monster." Farlen was just as mad but remained calm and didn't show it.

"Did he hurt you, Yuno?" She asked gently, pulling him away from Elliot, who stood up and walked out of the room to break something in the hall. Coconut nodded to Farlen's question and lifted his head, tilting it to the side slightly to reveal his bruised neck, the shape of a hand clearly apparent. Farlen gasped quietly and put a hand over her mouth. "Oh, Yuno… come here, baby." 

Coconut let himself be pulled into a comforting hug and held onto her like a scared toddler.


Blue blinked and blinked and blinked as he made an expression of confusion and then anger. His mind black, emotions coursing through him. "What?" He glared at the diamond ring sitting in the small formal black box Blaize had revealed to him. Blue's cheeks heated in fury. 

"That's wonderful!" His mother squealed and Blue whipped his head toward her, utterly amazed. 

His father was smiling which Blue almost gasped in shock at. He hadn't seen his father smile...ever. Except for photos. And even then it was simple. 

"Excuse me?" Blue glared at his suddenly ever so supportive parents. 

"What's wrong, Blue?" Jackson was looking at him in annoyance. "Shouldn't you be leaping for joy?"

Blue glared at him.

Blue's father was angry again. "Andrew, are you refusing his offer?" 

Blue looked at him, at a loss for words to explain every infuriating act the man sitting next to him had pulled on him. "I-" 

Jackson's mom defended him, "He's very flustered, he needs a moment to think it over." Blue knew neither she was too happy about gay marriages but then there was a lot of money Blaize was connected to. Blue wondered if she had said anything to his parents about his sexuality which Coconut had revealed to her during their meeting. 

"Flustered? I am not flustered, I'm…" 

"Impressed? Amazed?" Beneath the table, Blaize slid his foot down Blue's leg as if he were petting him. 

Blue jerked away from him and glared. "Appalled." He grit his teeth. "I'm refusing." 

"Andrew Blue Angelite, you will not refuse this offer!" His father slammed his fist on the table, causing the silverware and plates to rattle. Several people nearby looked their way. 

Blue remembered what Coconut had said and slowly stood from his seat. "This is my life, and I will refuse any offer given to me if I am not pleased with it." He said in a murderous tone. 

"You've turned into a spoiled brat ever since you started attending that school," his father growled and stood from the table as well. His wife wasn't intervening as she normally does. "Your mother and I thought this would be a generous offer that you would be pleased with. At least he's your goddamn type." 

Blue couldn't stand to hear this anymore. Blue grabbed his phone which his father had left sitting on the table and ran away. 

"Get back here, young man!" 

Blue left the restaurant as fast as he could, ignoring everyone. The car was locked so he couldn't retreat there. Instead he leaned against it and called Char back, feeling furious tears well inside of him. 

"Hey, Blue." She pretended to be happy. She was still in her car, sitting in the driveway of the dorm.

"Char, you will not believe what just happened, I could not be more furious." He squeezed the bridge of his nose as he controlled his wavering voice, pushing back his tears. 

"Oh, so you...know then?" She hoped. 


"Oh no...um...Blue...there's… Something you need to know...something...That's hard to say." She felt choked up. 

"What are you….what are you talking about? And can you put Coconut on? I need to talk to him." 

"I really don't think that's a good idea, Blue." 

Blue froze, heart stopping. "What. Happened?" 

"I...saw him with someone." 


"They were...he was kissing…" 

There was a chilly breeze that swept through the parking lot, throwing fallen leaves around. Blue fell against the front of the car and stared at his feet. "No you didn't." He didn't want to believe her.

"Yes...I did. I for sure know what I saw, it was...heated. And so I followed him because I was so angry but then I turned around and headed back to the dorm when I saw him...does he have a mansion? Because he was there with Ellie and I know he said they used to...you know. So I thought-" 

Blue was overcome with a panicking disbelief. He felt like the world was shrinking and he was growing too big for it. He had never felt so scared or betrayed or shocked. He licked his lips nervously as he sweated, tasting the dent Coconut had left in his lip again and felt disgust squeeze his stomach. "Char… he's...are you saying he's cheating on me?" 

She went quiet. "That's what it looked like, Blue." Her voice was small and weak. "I'm so sorry. I thought he was…" 

"Coconut, I know you have uh...well," Blue's thoughts echoed. "A high sex drive. So...you won't like, go crazy without me will you?" 

He could hear his own heartbeat as he remembered Coconut telling him..."I love you. So much. Don't forget that, alright?"

"Char. I know what this is. What he's doing, I mean." Blue was crying. 

Char only listened. 

"He's lonely without me being there and so he's fooling around so he won't go crazy. He has a high-sex drive or whatever."

"Blue, this isn't okay. You can't just excuse this for that." 

"No, I know. And I'm not." Blue swallowed, his voice hard. "Tell him I know but it doesn't matter because...I'm engaged." 

"What?" She yelled.

"I'll explain later. I gotta go." He hung up as she yelled in surprised confusion at him. 

Blue returned to the table his parents, Jackson and his mother, and Blaize were still sitting at. He sat down quietly and smiled. "Fine. I'll do it." 


Coconut had calmed down mostly and Ellie decided to leave before he broke something expensive again. Coconut led him to his car and hugged him on the steps. "Thanks, Ellie. I really appreciate it."

Ellie pulled away and looked up at him. "I know. Kal better watch himself…" he muttered while getting in his car.


Blue's father pat him on the shoulder, smiling at him proudly, Blue flashed back an exaggerated cheesy smile. He picked up a fork and squeezed it tightly in his fingers, thinking he would stab the next person who dared make his day any worse. 

"I'm so happy, Blue." His mother teared up dramatically. 

"Me too." Blue said through gritted teeth.

"How long exactly have you two known each other?" The principal asked just as the waitress was taking their orders. 

Blaize spoke, "Almost six months." Blue thought that was a lie but he realized he was correct. "We've been secretly dating since we met." 

A low growl escaped Blue's throat, which Blaize heard. "Are you alright, love?" Blaize smiled evilly and rubbed his back. 

Blue's heart twinged, hearing Coconut's voice instead of his. He smiled at him, his face going red as his fists trembled in anger. "Peachy." 

His mother clasped her hands together. "How sweet. Blue, you do know your father and I had this planned for a week or so now, correct?" 


His father spoke up. "Mr. Maverick told us about his offer for New York and then explained he was dating you. As you know, we were at first not very compliant at the thought of you marrying a man but he's turned out to be the nicest and most charming fellow we've ever met." 

Blue was seething behind his facade. 

"I knew marrying Blue just had to be done. It's what i've always wanted." Blaize kissed his cheek just as another sweet sentence Coconut told him entered his thoughts, 

"Marrying you is second on my list of things I want to do more than anything."

The back of Blue's throat squeezed. 

Jackson was looking uncomfortable but also confused. "Wait a minute, I thought-" his mother nudged him while she sipped her water, giving him a look. Jackson shut up. 

"I want you more than anything." 

Blue's eyes saddened as he stared at the dining cloth laid nicely on his lap. 

Their dinner continued without anymore of Blue's angry outbursts. Everyone was cheerful as anyone could say from afar, but Blue was feeling hollow inside.

Blue's phone had been buzzing nonstop from Char's frantic texting and calling. Blue wished he could respond to her. 

"Sorry, I'll silence my phone since this is more important." He said while doing so and putting his phone in his back pocket again. 

"So, Blue." His mother said. "Luna was made up. Wasn't she?" 

Blue hesitated. "Yes." 

"I thought she sounded too good to be true. And I know when my son is lying to me." His father chuckled. 

Blue wilted inside.

 "I'd never lie to you." 

Their food was served but Blue hardly ate his. He had forgotten to order without pepper. He nearly let a tear slip from his sad eyes as he thought about Coconut's lovely cooking and how he'd never get to sit and eat pepperless specially cooked for him meals with his one true love. 

"You're not very hungry." His father pointed out, judging him again. 

"It's the nerves." Blaize smiled and leaned close to Blue, stabbing a shrimp from his plate and offering it to Blue. 

Blue's lip quivered as he accepted the piece of food, biting it from Blaize's fork, imagining Blaize's cocky expression was Coconut's smiling face.

After dinner, Blaize offered to pay for dessert but Blue denied, saying he wasn't feeling well. 

"You're feeling feverish?" His mother sounded concerned. "Well let's hope you're feeling better in time for the wedding tomorrow." 

Blue nodded, and then froze. "Wait...you mean Uncle Gerald's wedding reception, right?" 

His parents looked at each other and laughed. 

"What?" Blue started to freak out. 

"I think you mean our wedding, sweetheart." Blaize put his arms around Blue who was on the verge of hyperventilating. 

"But...the letter." 

"Anyone can fake a letter." His mother smirked slyly. "We had to get you to come home somehow." She rolled her eyes. 

"Un-Uncle Gerald isn't...getting married?" 

"No, but you are." Blaize whispered in his ear. 

Blue grit his teeth, forcing back a gag and the urge to run away. 

Blue and his parents waved Blaize, Jackson, and Jackson's mom goodbye. 

"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night with me, Blue? Tomorrow's our big day." Blaize maliciously smiled.

"I'm sure." He glared, his voice hard, wishing his parents weren't watching so he could spit on him. 

In the car, Blue leaned against the window, crossing his arms while angrily glaring at everything, biting on his cheek to keep from crying. All he could think about was how much of a hypocrite Coconut was. 

 "And I'll have you know I'm very loyal, as long as my partner is as well."

"Bullcrap." Blue hissed beneath his breath, his parents didn't hear him. 

When they made it back home his mother showed him the white tux she had picked out for him. It was beautiful, but Blue couldn't imagine himself in it with his arm intertwined in Blaize's. He spent the rest of his day shut away from the world in his room. He said he was sick and was going to take a nap. 

Blue took off his shirt in front of his bathroom mirror as the shower pummeled the bathtub next to him. He stared at the many marks left by Coconut and teared up. 

"Every part of you is absolutely gorgeous." 

Blue bit his tongue hard and blocked him out. As he rubbed shampoo into his hair in the shower, he thought he could feel Coconut behind him, rubbing his own hands into his scalp. 

"You're my Angel. I love you. So fucking much."

Blue couldn't hold back the emotions he'd pent up for so long he sat with his knees clutched to his chest beneath the shower, crying as loud as he could into his knees, thinking the shower was too loud for his parents to hear. He stayed there sobbing until the water turned cold, pummeling into his back until it hurt from how cold it was but Blue didn't want to move. 

"I don't want to marry, Blaize." He whispered into his knees for no one to hear. "I want Yuno." 

"Anything for you, Angel." 

He imagined Coconut was holding him and kissing his cheek, whispering sweet nothings in his ear again.

After showering, Blue put himself to bed without bothering to wear any clothes. It was nowhere near close to being dark outside but he went to sleep anyway, wanting to sleep forever. 

"Do you really love me?" He whispered with a shuddering breath into his pillow. In shock, he realized what he had just said and felt awful about it when he remembered his promise to Coconut. 

"I love you, Blue. Don't let anything make you think otherwise."

Blue definitely thought otherwise. "How could someone sleep around with other people while they're dating someone?" He whimpered. "I was only going to be gone for three days, Yuno. Three. fucking. days. And you can't control yourself for that long? Unbelievable." He pretended he was talking to him but that only made him feel worse. 

He fell asleep, exhausted.


Coconut waved while Elliot drove away and sat on the steps, running a hand through his hair and thinking about how much he couldn't wait for his call with Blue that night.


Char slammed her car door shut, stomping toward the gate, the man in the window telling her this was private property. She saw Coconut from the steps and yelled at him, ignoring the gate man. "Hey! Yuno! Let me talk to you!" 


Coconut looked up and saw her. "Char?" He got off the steps and told the man to let her in.


As soon as the gate opened, she marched toward him furiously. "How's it feel to be a two-timing fucking jerkwipe, you asshole!" She shouted. 


Coconut flinched backward. "What? What are you talking about?" He was genuinely confused.


"Don't you dare act stupid! You should know exactly what I'm talking about! How could you do this to Blue?!"


"Do what? Did something happen to him?!" Coconut looked extremely worried.


"No- well, yes, but that's not what we're talking about. You're cheating on him and he knows it, bastard!" She fumed and then shivered in the chilly air, rubbing her arms.


"Cheating on him? What?" Coconut was more than confused.


"Are you kidding me? I saw you!" Char yelled, infuriated. "It's over, Yuno. We know!" 


"I don't know what you're talking about! Know what?!" Coconut yelled in desperation.


"I saw you at the dorm kissing some dude outside!" 


Coconut's eyes widened. "K-Kal? You think I'm cheating on Blue with him?" His voices trembled and he touched his throat gently, where anyone could see the obvious bruising hand shape.


"Yes. That's what it looked like while you two were sucking face." Her glare lightened when she saw the mark on his neck, but she didn't think too much of it.


"I didn't want to kiss him…" Coconut whimpered. "He forced me to."


"That's a shitty excuse." Char didn't quite believe him. 


"It's not an excuse! He-... He's…" Coconut could only remember the horrible things Kal did to him. "H-He's…"


"Your new boyfriend?" 


"No… he's my abusive ex boyfriend." Coconut managed to keep his breathing under wraps.




"M-My… abusive… ex…" Coconut looked away.


Char looked at the mark on his neck again. "So are you saying you aren't cheating? But I saw you with Elliot and I know you guys used to...you know, so Blue told me you were probably fooling around since you were lonely without him to...help you with your sexual needs."


"What? No. I needed Elliot to help me calm down from a panic attack because Blue isn't here."


"Uh...oh…" Char gulped, feeling like the worst friend in the world for jumping to conclusions so quickly. "You better call him." 


"What? Why?" Coconut pulled out his phone anyway.


"Um. The last thing he said to me was something weird like...he was engaged? Some metaphorical crap probably. Do you know what he might have meant? He said he wanted me to tell you." 


"What? Engaged?" Coconut furrowed his brow but tried calling Blue.


"I don't know, that's what he said." Char shrugged and they waited for Blue to pick up but he didn't. Char chewed on her nail. "Oh crap...I really messed up." 

Blue didn't answer because his phone was still on silent and he was asleep. 


"What do you mean?" Coconut tried calling again.


"I mean...I think Blue thinks you're cheating on him so he's too upset to talk to anyone right now. He wouldn't pick up for me either. I'm really sorry, I should never have called him." 


"He thinks I'm cheating on him?" Coconut began to panic. "Oh god… shit, shit, shit… f-fuck…" He fell onto the ground, his breathing starting to speed up dramatically.


"Coconut!" Char dropped to the ground with him, scared. "Are you okay?" 


"N-No-" he gasped for air and tears started falling.


She shook his arm. "Coconut, don't worry, I'll explain everything to him when I manage to contact him again. Don't worry." Her voice was shaky as she struggled to remain calm seeing Coconut break down like this. 


"He's going to break up with me!" Coconut wailed and pulled at his hair, before gasping loudly and then coughing. Farlen came running out of the mansion and went to her knees next to him.

"Yuno, calm down. It's alright." She pulled him into a hug which made Coconut cry even harder into her shoulder. "Everything's okay."


"Yuno, I'm so sorry!" Char stood up and called Blue again. She texted him that everything she said was all a mistake and Coconut never cheated on him. "There, look, I texted him!" She showed him her phone. "All he has to do is look at it and he'll believe me." 


Coconut didn't calm down even a little. "No, no, no, no…" His breathing became more like strangled gasps and he started to go limp in Farlen's arms.


Char called Blue, desperately hoping he would pick up. 

Blue dreamed about Coconut. He dreamed he was in his arms again and he was finally content with his life. He could hear Coconut whispering stupidly in his ear, "I wuv you." Which made him chuckle.


Soon after Char called Blue, Coconut passed out from lack of air and he was carried to his bed. Farlen offered Char a chance to stay for the night.


Char accepted. Partially because it was a mansion and partially because she knew she would have to be there for Coconut whenever Blue responded.


Coconut slept fairly peacefully, until his night terrors started again. 

Farlen's bedroom was next to Coconut's and gave Char the bedroom next to it. When she heard Coconut scream she knew what was happening and hurried to his room.


Char awoke as well and stumbled into the hall having heard a scream. She found her way into Coconut's room. "Hey, you alright?" 


Coconut was already in Farlen's arm when Char entered. He was still half-asleep, crying and muttering something about needing Blue.


Char checked her phone but Blue hadn't even checked her messages. She called him, hoping, hoping, hoping. 

Blue still didn't wake.


After Coconut calmed down he decided to just stay awake, too scared to try and sleep again. He grabbed the laptop on the nightstand and checked for any e-mails from his vice CEO.


Mr. Yuno Alpine

Both your personal and business related email have received invitations from a number of sources which all come from one source. Your brother, Blaize Maverik is holding a wedding at xXxX xXxX this Thursday at 7:00 and he expects you to be there before and after the ceremony, but most importantly, before. He requested I send you this message since you have ignored the others. 

-your vice C.E.O Clayton Padnick


Coconut scowled. "This goddamn prick." Coconut grabbed his phone and hesitantly called his brother.


Blaize awoke groggily and in annoyance when his phone rang, his one night stand partner groaned. 

"Coconut? What the hell do you want at 2 in the morning?" He rubbed his temples.


"Who are you marrying, dumbass? And why should I care?"


Blaize chuckled. "You don't know? I thought he would have called you at least."


"What? Who?"


Blaize laughed, having never been happier. "Oh, no one special, just that Angelite kid I never got to take advantage of. This'll be the perfect way to exact my revenge on the both of you….so are you coming to the wedding?" He chuckled maliciously. "It's tomorrow."


"Wait, what? He's marrying you?" Coconut couldn't feel any more betrayed.


"I was surprised too but that's what happens when you flaunt a little money." 


"He knows I have more money than you." Coconut narrowed his eyes.


"Well then, guess he finally opened his eyes and realized how gorgeous I am." 

His sex partner laughed into the pillow.

 "Shut up, Daniel." 


"You're having sex with someone on the night before your wedding?"


"No." He smiled. "I had sex before the night of my wedding." 


"God. And he thought I was cheating."


"He thought you were cheating on him? That must be why he was so upset." 


"Hmph. Maybe I could tell him that you're cheating on him."


"That doesn't matter. His parents think I'm his ticket to the good life with all the money I've got."


Coconut rolled his eyes. "Then I could tell his parents who you really are and what you've done to their son, then say I'm his actual boyfriend, I'll marry him, and I'll be an even better ticket to the good life. In Blue's words, I'm the stronger, kinder, richer, and more handsome older brother."


Blaize was having trouble keeping up with him. He only angrily yelled into the phone. "Yeah? I'd like to see you try!" And he hung up.


Coconut got up from the bed and walked quietly to where Char was staying. He knocked on the door and waited patiently.


Char was a light sleeper so she opened the door. "What, what's wrong?" 


"Do you have Blue's parents' phone numbers?"


Char blinked blearily. "Um...I don't think so...hang on, I might have his mom's number from like...a year ago." She grabbed her phone and searched through her contacts then gasped. "I do!" 


Coconut smiled in relief. "Can I use your phone to call her?"


"To get a hold of Blue? Wish I'd thought of that." She handed him her phone. "But I don't think that's a good idea, she's not going to be happy about that. Besides, you guys are trying to be secretive about your relationship." 


"What? No, I'm not waking Blue up, I'm telling her the truth." Coconut called and while it was ringing looked back up at Char. "Blue's marrying my brother. Tomorrow."


Char's mouth dropped. "What? And wait...you have a brother?"

Blue's mother raised from her pillow, confused why she would be getting a call in the middle of the night.


"Yeah. Blaize. Blaize is my brother." Coconut put a finger to his mouth and waited for Blue's mom to answer.


"Blaize?! What?! And Blue is marrying him?!" Char couldn't believe her ears. "It's like I don't know him any more!" 

"Who is calling you?" Her husband groaned, covering his head with the end of his pillow. 

Blue's mother slid her legs over the side of the bed and answered her phone tiredly, "Hello?"


"Um… hey. Sorry for calling so late… or early. This is Coconut, Luna's brother. I'm calling with Char's phone."


"...ok….What is this about- Luna? I thought you were made up? You're a real person? I mean your sister is real?" She was suddenly awake.


"Uh… yeah? She was only pretending to date Blue. To be honest… I-I'm actually dating him." Coconut scratched the back of his neck.


Blue's mother didn't say anything for a long few seconds. "Who is this again?" 

"Is that Luna on the phone?" Her husband groaned in confusion. 

She shushed him.


"Coconut. You met me when you were picking up Blue from my dorm."


"Oh...right. The one who is sharing a room with our son. You're dating him?" She gasped in shock. "You're dating- WHAT?" She yelled.


"Yeah." Coconut sighed. "And I just found out he's marrying my brother."


"Huh?" She was beyond confused and amazed. "You've been sleeping with my son? And dating him?" Her mind was still hung up on that realization.

"Who are you talking to?" Her husband sat up sounding angry.


"Yes. He helps me sleep. Every time he falls asleep with me, I don't get the night terrors I normally do."


"What in hell are you talking about? Night terrors?" The phone was taken from her hands by Blue's father. 

"Who is this?" 


"Um… It's Coconut. From the dorm the other day. I need to tell you two something about Blaize."


"You've been sleeping with my son?! Dating him without us knowing about it?! Who the hell do you think you are?!" 

"Derek, lower your voice!" 


"Blaize isn't who you think he is." Coconut ignored his outburst. "I'm his brother. And… he's done… bad things to Blue."


"What are you talking about?" 


"I'm talking about how Blaize is a manipulative son of a bitch who only wants your son for his body."


Blue's father didn't say anything. 

Blue knocked on the door and his mother wrapped a bathrobe around her and opened the door. "Blue what are you doing awake?" 

"I heard yelling." He rubbed his eyes.

"You look awful, have you been crying?" 


"Sir?" Coconut asked. "I'm sorry. But… it's true. I called him before this actually and… he had sex with someone else earlier."


"I don't know what you're talking about. Don't call this number again. Leave us alone." He ended the call. 

"Who was that?" Blue asked. 

His mom shook her head. "One of your roommates said something about-" 

"Shelby." Her husband said sharply. 

"What did they say?" Blue asked, turning on the light. He had thrown on a pair of pajama pants when he had heard his father yelling. 

"It was nothing for you to worry about, Blue." 

"Was it Yuno?" 


"What did-" Blue curled his fists angrily and grit his teeth, growling angrily, knowing his father wouldn't tell him. "Mom, please, this is important. What did they say?" He turned to her. 

His mother looked to her husband whose expression hadn't changed. 

"Go back to bed, Blue." She said softly and closed the door in his face. 


Coconut growled and gave the phone back to Char before whirling around and punching the wall as hard as he could with an angry yell.


Char jumped. "Coconut!" 


Coconut ignored the pain in his fists and breathed heavily. "Fucking hell!" This time, he lifted his leg and smashed a vase with his foot. "Damn it all!"


"Coconut, quit it!" Char yelled. "Tell me what happened!" 


Coconut clenched his fists and grinded his teeth to keep from yelling while he calmed himself down. His breathing returned to normal and he opened his eyes, which he had closed. "I'll be gone for the rest of the morning. Go back to sleep. The chef will cook breakfast when you wake up. I'll be back then. Probably." Coconut stormed past her.


"Where are you going?"


"I'm gonna fucking marry Blue." When he reached the doors, he slammed them shut behind him.


Blue was shaken awake by his mother. "Blue, wake up, it's 10:00 in the morning. You've been sleeping for far too long!" She complained. 

Blue only groaned in response. He had awoken several more times through the night, and each time he only went back to sleep, feeling sick to his stomach. 

"Get up and get ready. We're going to your uncle's where we'll prepare for the wedding." 

Blue shoved his head beneath his pillow. "I'll be out in a bit." 

"Make that 'a bit' a right now, mister."


She left.


Coconut walked back into his mansion and back to his room to get ready for the wedding he was going to crash and burn into the ground.


Blue's head throbbed. He took a couple aspirins and ibuprofen pills even though he was pretty sure he shouldn't take those at the same time. But he did anyway. He swallowed them without even drinking anything. He skipped breakfast. He was just checking his messages as his father told him to get in the car. 

Blue gasped as he read through Char's messages. 

His father had a bad feeling. 

"It….was Yuno who called last night, wasn't it?" He said to his father who was at the door. 

"Andrew, get in the car." 

Blue tried to dial Coconut but just as he pressed the call button, his father ripped his phone from his hands, which Blue was not happy about. When he yelled at him, his father hit him across his face so hard that he stumbled. 

"No one called last night and It was not important! You will marry this man without any complications." He resembled a huffing bull. "Now get in the car!" 


Coconut pulled on the nicest suit he owned, which was obviously expensive and made himself as presentable as he possibly could. He checked to make sure he had everything he needed.


Blue was silent the whole drive to his uncle's which was a five hour long drive. He rubbed his cheek the whole way and ignored every word his parents said, looking out the window. All he could think about was how stupid he had been for accepting Blaize's offer. He hadn't been thinking about his future at all, and now he was going to suffer for it. 


Coconut left soon after he ate, getting in his also expensive car and beginning the long drive to the wedding.


There were a lot of people already gathered at his uncle's house. Blue put on a fake nervous smile as he greeted them awkwardly. As his parents spoke with some relatives about preparations, Blue made his way into the kitchen after dodging his cousins who teased him playfully about always knowing he was queer. Blue opened a cabinet, finding medicine to quell his itching headache and nerves. He hid from everyone as much as he could in the bathroom for an hour or so, wishing he had his phone. He cried quietly whenever he thought too much about what his life was going to be like with Blaize. Finally, his mother pounded on the door. "Blue, I've been looking for you everywhere! We have to get you fitted in your suit and then we're going to the church for the ceremony." 

Blue was hyperventilating as he imagined himself marrying Blaize in the next twenty minutes. He wasn't going to go through with it, he couldn't see himself doing that, it was crazy. 


"Um….I'm sick!" 



His mother left and came back with his father who yelled at him through the door. "You're not sick, get your ass out here before I break the door down!"  

Blue wiped his tears away and fixed his messy hair which he had not combed at all that morning. He opened the door and faced his father who took one look at him and the red mark on his cheek and pushed him toward his mother and his bridesmaids which were his cousins. "Fix yourself, Andrew, you're getting married in twenty minutes. God." 


Next chapter